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Danielle’s Baby Robin

Last week Danielle found a baby robin in the grass at her house; so young that it was mostly skin and without feathers. As the parents had apparently abandoned it, she decided to feed it until it flies away. This has been going well thus far, with it enjoying a steady diet of watered down canned dog food, berries, and insects.

Because it needs regular feedings the robin accompanied us on this weekend’s trip to the Manistee area for mountain biking, to Danielle’s work last week, and to my house this weekend. It’s doing fairly well living in its sock-lined cardboard box, but starting today it’s been trying to get out, stretch its now-feathered wings, and fly up on few inch high objects. I can’t imagine that it’ll be more than a few more days before it’s able to fly away.

If you compare the photo above (link) with this one you can see just how much its changed in a few days. Most noticeably it can stand up for long periods of time, climb things, and has many more feathers.

The rest of the Baby Robin Rescue photos can be found here.

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“100% New Compatible Toner Cartridge” for Xerox Phaser 6130 (Black)

After roughly 1.5 years of use the black toner cartridge in my Xerox Phaser 6130 finally ran out. Since the Xerox-branded cartridges cost somewhere around US$80 I decided to try this “compatible” cartridge from the venerable While I’ve only used it for a few pages, it seems great so far. It fit nicely in the printer, the printer immediately recognized that K (black) was full, and the couple jobs sent to it have all processed smoothly.

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PC Engines alix2d13 and Netgate Enclosure

This week I received a PC Engines alix2d13 board and Netgate NET-CASE1C2REDU-ANT enclosure which will replace the venerable Trashwall. While Trashwall served its purpose for a while, I was getting tired of its noise (a slight but present hard disk whine) and power consumption and the need to manually set up utilization graphs and such.

After giving pfSense, a FreeBSD / pf-based firewall distribution which works nicely on embedded devices, a try I decided to move to it. I’ve now got pfSense v1.2.3 embedded (current stable release) installed on a 4GB SanDisk Ultra II compact flash card which the ALIX board boots to run the OS. Console output (when needed) is via serial port, but after the initial configuration, practically everything can be done via the web.

I’m running into a couple quirky problems with port forwards, but it’s otherwise doing a fine job of running my home network. DHCP with reservations, DNS, DynamicDNS (for DHCP clients to be resolvable), and NTP are all working as they should. Once I get the port forward issue sorted I’ll likely backup the config and give one of the pfSense v2.0 beta snapshots a go. If whatever beta snapshot happens to fail or doesn’t work out I can then just reimage the CF card back to v1.2.3 and reload the exported config. pfSense configs are simply XML files that can be backed up and restored at will, which is particularly convenient.

If you’d like to see more photos of my PC Engines alix2d13 setup, click here.

If you’d like to buy one, check out Netgate. The specific items I purchased for this are as follows, for a total of US$183.85:

· ALIX.2D3+B System Board: (3/1/256/LX800) with battery [ALIX.2D3+Battery]: US$140
· LIX.2D3 3 LAN Indoor Enclosure Red with USB & ANT [case1c2redu-ant]: US$24
· AC/DC 15V 1.25A 18W Switching Adapter only [PS-15V-1.25A-18W]: US$9.95
· SMA Dust Cap / Rubber Antenna Hole Plug [SMA Dust Cap Plug]: US$0.14/ea (2x)
· Postage via FedEx: US$9.62

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Morels at River Bends Park

it’s interesting what one finds in the woods. I found these today while Nick, Marty, Pete, and I were doing initial flagging for a mountain bike trail in River Bends Park. I think they’ll be cooked up in some very nice pasta and a cream sauce, or perhaps served over toast ala this meal in Brussels.


Pelican 1015 as Nexus One Case for the Outdoors

When biking I tend to stay fairly dry, but there are the occasional times when I’ll end up a bit more wet or banged up than desired. Since a phone can be a lifesaver in such a situation I wanted to ruggadize my Nexus One a bit. Stopping by REI in Northville yesterday on my way to the bike shop I picked up a Pelican 1015 in solid black.

This nice case fits my Nexus One almost perfectly in two dimensions, but is a little deeper than needed. Thankfully with the addition of some extra foam in the lid and the cushioned rubber liner the phone now doesn’t move around, even when fairly strongly jostled. With the rainproofness and extra shock protection afforded by this cases it should now be perfect whenever I care to take it; biking, hiking, or whatever.

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Maybury Sanitorium and Broken Plate

Today while making dinner I screwed up, didn’t latch one of the side tables on the BBQ correctly, and sent a plate and pretzel roll crashing to the ground. It appears that it held briefly, but a slight jostling when I lifted the lid sent the plate on its way to doom. I’m probably going to try and find some more on eBay, but I need to be sure that they are of the Pfaltzgraff USA vintage so that the patterns match exactly. It appears that the brand was sold in 2005 and after that made in China. I’ve found that the new Chinese-made patterns don’t quite match the old designs (less defined geometric shapes, for example, in modern versions of the Midnight Sun pattern that I have) and want to be sure I get the old USA versions. There are a number of these plates on eBay right now, so I’m waiting for a response about the origin of manufacture and if they are the USA versions I’m hoping to buy a four or eight of them.

Earlier today I headed out to Trail’s Edge to check out the Mega Sale and help if I could, but with plenty of help on hand I ended up heading over to Maybury State Park to ride the mountain bike trails there with Carlos (previously pictured here). I’d only been there once before, back on Easter Monday of last year with Bob and Jon, and I was looking forward to checking it out again. This park is on the grounds of the Maybury Sanatorium, an old tuberculosis sanatorium and has this nifty sign over the entrance. Throughout its life it was known first as Detroit Municipal Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Spring Hill Sanatorium, and then Maybury Sanatorium. If you are interested in the history of this place, be sure to check out the Maybury Sanatorium website as it contains a whole bunch of great historical info about the place.

Despite the nice area today’s ride didn’t go quite as well as it could have. After really pushing myself on the three laps of yesterday’s race my legs were quite wobbly and telling me that I should take it easy and head back to the car. So, after one lap Carlos and I bid each other farewell and I headed back to the car while he headed off back on to the trail. Ah well, a day of rest should do me well.

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More Beer Photos: Golden Cap, Mama’s Little Yella Pils, Ranger IPA

I’m really sleepy tonight so I’m not going to write much about these beers, except to say that I liked each and every one. The Pils was particularly great, as I don’t get to have a proper Pils very often and Mama’s Little Yella from Oskar Blues Brewery definitely was one. Oh, and that Ranger IPA? Quite nice… Very hoppy, almost pine-ish, but quite pleasant to sip.

So, here’s just a few quick photos of new (to me) beers that I’ve had recently:

· New Holland’s Golden Cap Saison Ale.
· Oskar Blues Brewery’s Mama’s Little Yella Pils.
· New Belgium’s Ranger India Pale Ale.

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6 & 12 Hours of Stony Creek

Today a bunch of the Trail’s Edge Racing folks and I did the 6 & 12 Hours of Stony Creek race. This was a rather convoluted route through the mountain bike trails at Stony Creek Metropark (warning, PDF) which was ~11 miles in length, with ~1000′ of climbing per lap. There were a couple of new and race-only pieces of trail used, with one of the newest pieces containing a particularly steep, unexpected climb. Even more difficult, the most challenging (long and grueling) climbs were at the end of the route.

Bob and I rode as a team, with me starting at 2:00 PM and us alternating laps relay-style until the cut-off of 7:30 PM. In this time I was able to get in three laps, with each taking right around one hour per lap. Unfortunately I returned from my third just minutes after the cut-off time so Bob didn’t get to go out on (was spared?) a third lap.

This was my first “real” race, and I think it went quite well. Everyone that either I passed (not very many people) or who passed me (a fair number of people) were nice and courteous, with all passing arrangements working out well and no observed conflicts. Then again I was likely riding at a relatively typical pace for those later in the day, with the result being that during my second and third laps I didn’t really encounter anyone else on the trail. During the first lap some confusion at the start resulted in me ending up in the first third group of people heading out, which meant that I then got passed by all the fast people.

Oh, and the Specialized Phenom that I tried out today? I think it’ll work well. I had a little sorness at a few points, but as the saddle is harder than my previous one it’s to be expected. I had absolutely none of the previously experienced numbness, which means that its likely doing its job.

Bob Costello, Nick & Marty Shue, Erik Silvassy, Kristi Heuvers, Tak Kakiuchi, and Bill Edgerton.

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Trying a Specialized Phenom Saddle

Back in December I traded the too-narrow saddle that came on my Titus Racer X 29er for a WTB Laser V. This has seemed okay, but I’ve found that I occasionally get numbness problems when on longer rides where I spend more time in the saddle (and less standing). I’d heard good things about the Specialized Phenom and just when I decided to try one someone posted one on the MMBA Forum at a quite-reasonable price as he’d tried it and it didn’t work out right for him.

It arrived today so I fitted it on the Titus Racer X 29er and took a quick mile-ish ride between puddles and over every curb and rough bit of pavement that I could find to try it out. It’s definitely a firmer saddle than my previous one, but it seems to be more supportive where it should be (under my sit bones) and not where it shouldn’t (under the perineum).

On Saturday I’m supposed to do a six hour bike race at Stony Creek with Bob (we’ll ride as a team, each person riding alternate laps) so I think I’ll give it a try there. I’ll bring the previous saddle just in case this one doesn’t work out so well, but thus far I think it’ll be all right. If not there are a few other people from the aforementioned forum will gladly take it off my hands.

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Amsterdam Photos

A couple days ago I finished captioning the photos of Amsterdam from my recent European trip. The original plan was for Dominic and I to meet up with Sarah and Danielle on the morning of Saturday, April 17th, but due to the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull and subsequent closing of European airspace they didn’t arrive until Tuesday morning. This left us with only roughly 18 hours to spend in Amsterdam together before we went our separate ways. (Dominic and I on to Germany; Sarah and Danielle on to Brussels then France then Spain.) Because of both this and Dominic’s damaged feet this we ended up not doing that much, instead spending lots of time just hanging out in the apartment that we rented and wandering around the center of the city.

Before you ask, no, we didn’t go to any coffee shops as neither of us were particularly interested. We did have some very good coffee and cake, but that was just in a place called Coffee Connection which we happened by while wandering after visiting the Anne Frank House.

Here’s a few of the more interesting photos:

· Fields of flowers as seen from the train between Brussels and Amsterdam.
· German-style toilet. Yes, the shelf is unpleasant to use.
· Looking out the window of Floor 1 of Bed And Net. It’s very well located with great food and such right near by.
· The second building from the right is Bed And Net, the guesthouse where Dominic, Danielle, Sarah and I stayed.
· This boat on a canal was full of people from the US and/or Canada who were stuck in Amsterdam by the volcano. They were enjoying their time drinking and cheering about wanting to go home.
· It seems that 9/11 Truthers / Alex Jones fans can be found anywhere.
· Jamon Iberico hanging in the window of a pork shop.
· Cheese and tomato sandwich which Dominic picked up for me from Bakkerij v Eijk, across the street from where we stayed.
· Looking down a canal roughly across the street from the Anne Frank House.
· Carrot cake and a latte in a coffee house (Coffee Company) after visiting the Anne Frank House.
· Sarah and Dominic the morning that Sarah and Danielle finally made it to Europe. We were all sitting in a cafe eating breakfast.
· Glasses of La Chouffe with breakfast.
· Danielle’s breakfast was fried eggs, cheese, and ham on toast.
· Very large cone of frites with garlic mayo, which Sarah, Danielle, and I shared.
· FEBO, an automat-like place in the Netherlands which sells food from vending machines.
· Looking down a canal at a bridge around sunset.
· Standing outside of the train station, passing time, as my coffee cup drips on the sidewalk. It was poorly made.

Yes, I do have video of the failings of the German-style toilet, but I have yet to post it. The issue is not so much with the insult being exposed and sitting on a shelf, but that the water frequently fails to wash it off of the shelf, necessitating a brushing. As such its apparently common to have a toilet brush by every toilet.

One nifty thing that I hadn’t expected is that most people in The Netherlands, or at least Amsterdam itself, seem to speak English with a US accent. They also seem to know English very well, so I never had a language problem ordering food or generally going about things there. I definitely would like to go back there, and perhaps Danielle and I will on a better-scheduled trip. Maybe this next time we’ll rent a houseboat as well, staying on a canal somewhere and spending a bunch of time traveling out of the city and possibly over to other countries (Belgium, Germany?) as well.

Note to the world: Do not wear Chuck Taylor All-Stars when spending a few days walking around London. They are not good shoes for walking long distances in, especially if they don’t fit well and/or are worn with inappropriate socks. Doing this will seriously damage your feet.