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Up and Up and Jittery

The most recent stage of the cold is an exceedingly runny nose. Danielle experienced this yesterday and purchased the box of Target-brand (up & up) pseudoephedrine hydrochloride, which helped her but kept her from sleeping well last night.

Knowing that this drug makes me feel overstimulated I resisted taking any, but by mid-afternoon when my nose needed to be emptied every five minutes or so, I relented. Since twenty minutes (or so) after injecting the pill I’ve felt twitchy, shaky, and slightly nauseous, the same as if I’d just ingested a few hundred milligrams of caffeine. This is not very much fun, and hopefully it won’t keep me from sleeping, as there’s a bunch of things that I want to get done at work tomorrow.

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New Hooks In Closet

After yesterday’s wood shaping, some paint, and $24 in hooks my closet has eight new points from which to hang clothing. This all started when Danielle wanted more places to hang hoodies in my closet. Finding a suitable blank space of wall, some spare poplar from work being done around my sister’s house, and suitable hooks at Home Depot I set to work on things.

At $3.99/ea the hooks were a bit pricey, and my can of pure white paint had rusted so I had to buy a new one, but I’m quite content with how it all came out. It fits the space needed and with the hooks screwed into the poplar and the board hanging off of the drywall with toggle bolts it’s quite solid.


Packetless Routing

Danielle was wanting some robe-type hooks in my closet for hanging hoodies and such, so I acquired some hooks, a scrap board from my sister’s house, and set to work on them. As just the plain boards looked out of place I threw a simple quarter round on the outer edge. Doing this required fixing my long-broken router, but thankfully the problem wasn’t as complicated as I’d thought. I simply had to clean and reassemble the depth adjustment as it bound on some wood chips and came apart. Yes, it’s a cheap router, but it works.

The boards are currently sitting while a second coat of paint on them dries. Hopefully the third (and maybe fourth) will go on tomorrow morning and the hooks will be up by evening. Maybe with a working router I’ll even keep working on the oak bed project that I’ve put off, partially finished, for seven years.

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Twisted Sheets

Likely due to the action of the agitator in my washing machine, long pieces of fabric such as the sheets seen above become very twisted and almost rope-like while being washed. They are so tightly twisted that I suspect they actually aren’t getting as clean as they should, and thus I end up washing sheets twice, manually unwrapping them between cycles.

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No Alton Brown

The aforementioned cold was hitting me a bit harder than expected today; so much so that I didn’t go to the Alton Brown lecture. Thankfully someone had found my blog post and was wanting two tickets. While I originally only had one ticket for sale, his need for two made my decision not to go all the easier.

After meeting up with Kate to get her ticket to her I ended up grabbing some carry-out Indian food, then sitting at home and overeating while sitting on the couch. I then fell asleep on and off while watching TiVo’d episodes of Good Eats and How It’s Made as the Netflix streaming of Man on Wire that I’d initially tried to watch kept pausing.

Boring night, eh? And I’m still not feeling any better.

Please have photos of things found in a (separate) parking lots within the past few days: Teabag Without Tag, Baby’s Shoe Without Laces. Found within a parking lot-sized place, Costco, the photo above is my face on a broken camera in a cheap karaoke machine.

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Alton Brown Lecture Ticket For Sale

Due to a teaching job that Danielle picked up she’s not able to attend the Alton Brown lecture that is being given tomorrow at Oakland University. Thus, her ticket is available for sale. This lecture is currently sold out, so this is one of the few ways to get a ticket. I’m asking face value, or $10, for the ticket. Please email me at (or reply to this post) if you are interested.

UPDATE: Ticket is pending sale. Thanks for the interest, everyone.

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Sandoz Azithromycin, 6 x 250 mg, GGD6

Last night both Danielle and I started to feel a bit run down, and this morning I found myself feeling heavy and sluggish, with a bit of a headache and stomach ache. Since both Pandemic H1N1/09 is going around and my coworker Tom just got back to work from being off with strep throat, I opted to go to the doctor this morning. The doctor tested me for strep, then determined that I likely just have an upper respiratory infection and prescribed me a course of Azithromycin, as seen above.

Made by the same company that brought us Delysid, this serious antibiotic has worked well for me in the past. I hope it does this time – and does so rapidly – as I’d like to be feeling well before Massive Fallout, which is scheduled for this Saturday.

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Nice Weather, Long Ride, Dead Raccoon

Here is a dead raccoon which was occupying 2/3 of the single track mountain bike trail at Addison Oaks. Thanks to a conveniently located rake I had no problems moving it off the trail, leaving only a moist spot on the trail. This ride through Addison Oaks was part of a trip from Rochester Mills to Lake Orion, over to Bald Mountain, through to Addison Oaks, back through Bald Mountain, then town the Paint Creek Trail back to Rochester Mills.

Knowing that some other friends were riding the Macomb Orchard Trail to Richmond and back, after getting back to Rochester I headed out the MOT to meet up with them, and did so seven or eight miles later. After finishing up the ride with them and being sure that Danielle wouldn’t mind driving me back to my car, I then rode home for a total of 61.83 miles. Seeing as this included quite a bit of single track, I’d say that this is one of the longest rides I’ve done. Last year had some similar length rides, but none of those included as many segments of proper mountain biking.

For another odd photo, please see this one which shows some latex gloves and a rather oddly stained cylinder that appeared to be made out of wood. This was found along a section of the Roller Coaster in Stony Creek while having a brief hike there yesterday.


CDs In Storage

A few months back I emptied my CD rack, boxed up the CDs, and removed the rack from the wall. Tonight I finally got around to moving the CD boxes into storage in the basement, placing them on 2x4s beneath the stairs. This both gave me a chance to straighten up that closet and finally got the living room / dining area cleaned out, as it’s where the boxes had been stacked.

As can be seen above, there’s quite a few boxes of CDs stored there now. Part of me wishes they weren’t in storage, but I know that having them out taking up wall space wasn’t particularly useful. Now this space is used by a bookshelf that is accessed much more frequently, as can be seen in this photograph taken a few minutes ago. Also, if you’re interested, here’s a photo of the closet and stacked CD boxes with stuff put back in around them.

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Downtown Rochester at Night

This evening after some late work, just after 10pm, I took off on my bike towards downtown Rochester. 21.88 miles later, averaging 15.2 MPH, I was back home. For rather knobby tires still at off-road pressures (leftover from Hanson Hills this past weekend; more on this later) I don’t think this is too bad. I took my normal route to the Clinton River Trail, then that into Downtown Rochester, then over to the river and bridges which indicate the start of the Paint Creek Trail. After standing around for a few minutes and texting a bit with Danielle I turned and headed home.

This was an interesting ride, as I’m not used to being on paths like the Clinton River Trail in the dark. With the 100% humidity there was also quite a bit of fog; enough that it was hard to see at times. The routes were also pretty much empty, save for one skunk, two rabbits, one possum, one muskrat, one raccoon, and a couple unidentified glowing eyes. Any cars encountered seemed a bit more confused by my presence than anything else, which meant no car problems.

I’m really tempted to build up my old fork, crankset, and wheels into something with smoother tires for this type of riding. I can’t help but continue to be tempted by something like the Surly Cross Check or Salsa Fargo, though…

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