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2010 Iceman Cometh Challenge

This weekend was the Iceman Cometh Challenge, an annual race that runs from downtown Kalkaska to Timber Ridge in Traverse City, and the first one in which I participated. I’m content with my time of 2:36:01, which included one intentional stop to use the forest as my urinal, and a few unintentional stops due to the trail being too congested to ride.

Just as I was told, the route is mostly fast two track with some good sized hills with a bit of single track sprinkled in. Due to the sheer number of people racing (3700 or so), their varying ability levels, and the flow of traffic there were a number of places where the route bottlenecked bad enough that one had to stop and wait for a few moments. With most of these places being on narrow uphills I found myself walking a handful of times, and even waiting for 15-20 seconds while one blockage cleared. The tight bits of single track were also ridden at a slow group ride pace. All of this made my time slower than I would have liked, but it also provided some forced resting and really is just part of the Iceman experience. I was told it would happen, so I wasn’t particularly frustrated by it.

With my start time of 10:28am (wave 28) being just below freezing (22°F – 28°F depending on the temperature device), the trail started becoming muddy about half-way through the course, right around the time that the hills started. Thankfully much of this was gritty northern Michigan sand mud that wasn’t too slimy, although the newly cut (so new it seemed to be just for the race) pieces of single track were nearly as bad as the Tree Farm Relay. However, due to the congestion there was no fast riding in them.

If you’d like to see some film of the trail check out this video shot using a GoPro camera mounted on the fork of Jeremiah Bishop‘s bike. It shows more of the fast two track sections and few of the climbs, but it does give a feel for the trail. (Hopefully the complete footage will make its way online eventually.)

Due to the size of the race riders are asked to park at one of the local schools, to which school buses and box trucks (for carrying bikes) make regular shuttle runs. While it’s possible to park along the road leading to the finish venue it’s absurdly crowded and difficult. As we’d planned Danielle parked at one of the schools, so after catching my breath post-race and eating some fruit leather I rode the ~3.5 miles from Timber Ridge to the car. It was then easy to change in the parking lot, store my bike in the car, and catch a bus back to the finish line for some food, beer, and meeting up with friends. After the day was done we then hopped on a return bus to the elementary school to get the car.

I intend to register for the race again next year, and hopefully the conditions will be either the same, or perhaps a bit warmer and without as much mud (or any rain). I love riding in freezing temperatures with a light bit of snow on the ground, so this didn’t disappoint, but I sure wouldn’t mind being able to wear shorts. The event itself is also quite well put on, with a nice expo at registration packet pickup the night before, well organized starting, a well marked course, and an outstanding finish venue with lots of reasonably priced local food, $4 pints of Michigan beer (Bell’s, Kuhnhenn, Shorts, and Right Brain), a changing area, free cookies / HEED / water, and plenty of good viewing of riders approaching the finish line.

The only difference next year might be that we’ll stay some place other than the Motel 6. It was cheap, reasonably comfortable, very well located, and the rooms were clean, but it could have used to have been a bit quieter and with Michigan-type humidity in the rooms. We both would wake up periodically from noises in the hall and other rooms, feeling a bit dehydrated from the furnace that just heated air and pumped it through a slightly rattle-y vent into the room.

If you’d like some more info about the race, here you go:

· 2010 Iceman Cometh Challenge Results
· Cycling Dirt Coverage
· Iceman Cometh Challenge (Main Site)

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Avid MatchMaker and SRAM X-9

After getting a good deal on a SRAM X-9 rear derailleur and shifter set I moved its X-7 parts to the Specialized while building the 69er. As part of fitting the X-9 stuff I also picked up a replacement set of brake/shift lever clamps known as Avid MatchMaker, which allow the brake and shift levers to share one mount. I think this makes for a cleaner looking bar, but due to its L shape it doesn’t save as much space as I thought and other items (such as a bell) can’t really be placed snugly against it.

When fitting the new rear derailleur I ran into a slight problem where the derailleur would sit slightly too far inboard, preventing the chain from sitting cleanly on the smallest cog. Even when the shift cable was removed and the appropriate set screw was backed all the way out the chain would rattle and jump up one cog. After using a DAG-2 confirming that the derailleur was straight the only solution was to move the derailleur slightly outboard with a washer. Conveniently my friend Jon gave me a 1.38mm thick 3/8″ zinc chromate-coated washer which did the job nicely and allows the bike to shift just as it should.

All of this work was coupled with some much-needed overall washing and drive train cleaning (and plastics replacement), so after getting everything back together I went out for a ride at Stony Creek. While this week was busy enough to keep me from being able to ride, I did manage to get out to Stony Creek this afternoon. A bit of tweaking of the shift cable was needed to get everything proper, but the bike otherwise seems to be working great. I had one possible moment of skipping during a hard climb, but in general the whole bike worked wonderfully. Coupling that with some wonderfully cool weather, absolutely wonderful trail conditions, and meeting a few nice folks while riding, it turned out to be a really great day.

Now I just need to give the bike another shakedown ride or three before Iceman Cometh Challenge next weekend.

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SRAM Flak Jacket is UV Sensitive

Back when setting up my Titus Racer X 29er I fitted SRAM Flak Jacket cable housings, which include hollow red plastic tubes and nipples to cover the portions of cable which are normally exposed along the frame. Unfortunately this plastic tubing is quite UV sensitive and within a few months I began to notice it fading. During the summer my bike is frequently on the back of my car while at work, so it probably got a fair amount of direct sun exposure. Today when finishing the installation of some drivetrain components I touched the piece on the seat stay and felt it crack.

Pictured above is an original red piece of tubing and the broken one that I removed. The broken piece shows the light-colored top which was up on the bike and more exposed to the sun and the slightly redder bottom that sat against the frame. The the break shown occured when I simply wrapped my hand around the cable and seat stay and flipped the bike upside down to remove a wheel.

With such a bright color to the plastic I suspected this would happen, but thankfully the kit came with a fair bit more tubing than needed so I was able to replace the broken piece. I wish SRAM would have chosen a UV-resistant plastic instead of the bright red that they went with, perhaps the black nylon used in UV-resistant cable ties. I may try to find somewhere to buy other plastic that could be used in place of the red stuff, perhaps some PTFE or nylon…

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Ceiling Fan Light Working Again

The ceiling fan in the bedroom has a remote control to turn it on and off. Over the past few weeks it’s become increasingly hard to turn it on and off, with the switch inside the remote feeling like its failing. Taking apart the remote tonight I found that instead of small tactile switches (like I thought it had from the feel) it instead has cheap, printed contact switches actuated by conductive rubber on the back-side of the buttons. As common with switches like this some of the rubber had worn off on to the PCB, fouling the copper and causing the buttons to not work well. A bit of quick work with a pencil eraser and alcohol-soaked paper towel cleaned the contacts up nicely and everything is working great again.

Click here to see a high-res version of the photo above, clearly showing the bits of rubber stuck on the PCB.


Found an Extra Paper

My mailman is great. Apparently he found a copy of October 6th’s local newspaper (the one I was on the cover of) and saved it for me, dropping it in my mailbox with a note on some junk mail saying that he found it.

This shows some interesting things, like that the mailman recognizes my name on newspapers and such and knows where I live, but I guess that’s expected since his job is to pay attention to names on mail and where things go and such. I know that I’ve waived to him while biking, so I wonder if he associated that, receiving cycling catalogs and magazines, and this.

Either way, I think it’s really nice and I appreciate it.


DNF at Mad Anthony CX

After feeling wishy washy about doing the Mad Anthony Cyclocross race until this morning I went ahead and did it anyway, and I’m really glad I did. Riding up and down and around Historic Fort Wayne (Wikipedia) was a blast, especially heading through the stone tunnel of the sally port.

Unfortunately, about 1/3 – 1/2 of the way through my last lap I pinch flatted my rear tire, just after hopping up a curb and while navigating a long switchback grass downhill section. I’d just passed an employee of the shop that I ride for (Trail’s Edge) and right as we were exchanging greetings a hiss started, and as I turned the next corner I felt the rear wheel wobble and slide out from under me, indicating a definite flat. While I was only mid-pack, I still felt like I was riding well and having a good day. This instead ended the race for me and began a long walk back to the start. It would have been nice to finish, but at least I got to ride most of the race. Oh well.

For this race I used the aforementioned 69er and found that it worked out really well. I need to move spacers around a bit and drop the bars, but it otherwise works really well and is quite fun to ride. I think I’ll keep it in this setup.

(The photo above was taken with my phone just before the start of the Class B race. More photos should be available later, and hopefully even a video. Matt Dughi, creator of some top-notch local cycling videos, was out at the race today filming and had his new wire cam setup running along with his normal hand-held footage.)

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Ever since fitting my Specialized with a rigid fork I’ve thought that a 29er wheel could fit nicely in the fork and was unlikely to affect the handling much. After test fitting another wheel last night I posted to the MMBA forums looking for a 29er front wheel and picked one up today. While finishing the swap of drivetrain components from the Titus to the Specialized I put the wheel on, and it all seems to work nicely. For the $45 and time spent shuffling components I think this bike is ending up as something rather interesting. It may even work out to be a good winter bike.

I also fitted the bike with plain lock-on grips for this weekend’s cyclocross race as the only other grips I have include bar ends, which aren’t permitted equipment. The bottle cage was removed to make carrying the bike easier and I’ll switch the pedals from platforms (which were for testing) to Eggbeaters before then. I’ll probably also take this for a test ride at River Bends tomorrow, if weather permits. A fatter front tire would have been nice as well, but as I’m just playing around with my old bike I didn’t want to spend any more money.

I purchased a WTB Dual Duty rim / Shimano Hub with straight silver spokes, fitted with a 160mm Avid rotor, and a practically-new Kenda Small Block 8 tire all assembled together for $45 total.

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Shiny Clean Cranksets

In preparing for Mad Anthony Cyclocross race at Fort Wayne I’ll be swapping shifting components between two of my bikes so that the Titus Racer X 29er gets new SRAM X9 components and the Specialized Rockhopper gets its SRAM X7 stuff. Since this involves a fair amount of disassembly I figured I’d completely wash both bikes, including their drivetrains, and thus tonight I pulled the cranksets apart and washed them. Since the last similar cleaning both had become well-packed with gritty dirt and the chainrings had built up the typical packed in oil and dirt mixture.

Hopefully tomorrow I’ll get the bikes washed and the reassembly / parts move started, and then Wednesday I can take the Specialized out for a test ride at Stony Creek.


Massive Fallout 2010

Thanks to great weather the 2010 edition of Massive Fallout has gone off successfully. Following some trail marking on Thursday and a wedding until late on Friday I managed to wake up on time for the ride. Despite skipping the first part of Stony Creek I still ended up with 52.91 miles and 4:08:17 of moving time and riding most of each of the four main trails; Stony Creek, Bald Mountain, Addison Oaks, and Bloomer.

On the way back (before visiting Bloomer) Jon, Rob, and I even managed to stop by Lipuma’s Coney Island for a rather unhealthy (but satisfying) pile of food to eat.

As hoped, this was a really nice day. Rob had even made up spoke cards to indicate those of us who could provide direction and help, but it seems that most people either didn’t notice the cards or had no problem finding the route themselves. Now to rest up a bit today and get on with the week.

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