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Category: computers

Apple Damaged My 27″ iMac’s LCD

Trying to resolve the apparent smudge inside my iMac’s display resulting from a recent Genius Bar repair I bought two of these $2.99 suction cups (item number 46900) from Harbor Freight and used them to open the display per these instructions.

Opening the display is trivial, as gently lifting on the suction cup handles popped the glass face upward and allowed it to be lifted off. Unfortunately, the mark noticed last night is not a smudge on the panel or glass, but instead appears to be in the panel itself. I spent time cleaning the panel because it also had a number of hand and finger prints on it, blew out some dust, then closed it up. It now looks perfect, save for the mark in the upper left corner. (Note, cleaning a display before closing it up is non-trivial and simply not fun.

Since this wasn’t there before the repair job I can only presume that something done by the Apple tech damaged the display. I guess I’m going to have to take it back again and see what they’ll do.

I’m rather disappointed by this.

These suction cups, Harbor Freight item number 46900, appear to be identical to iFixit item IF145-023-1. The color, description (lifts 15 pounds!), and even details of the molding are identical between the two.

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27″ iMac Display Smudge after Genius Bar Repair

On Monday I took my 27″ iMac in to have its optical drive replaced. While at the Partridge Creek Apple Store Genius Bar being repaired the techs noticed that a fan wasn’t behaving as it should, so they replaced that as well. When I picked it up today everything seems fine, except there’s now a small smudge in the upper left corner of the screen (seen above) and a thin smudge line across the main panel a few inches below that. Both of these appear to be on the LCD itself, which is located just behind the flat glass front.

I’m a bit disappointed, but I may end up just cleaning this myself as removing the glass to access the inside of a late-model iMac is apparently not particularly complicated. I’ll need to do this myself in the future if I ever want to upgrade the hard drive, so I may as well buy some small suction cups now and do it.


iMac Goes To The Hospital

My desk looks pretty sparse without the 27″ iMac sitting on it. A few months back I noticed that the optical drive wasn’t working correctly, so today after calling support I have a 1pm appointment at the local Apple store to have the problem assessed. Since the drive simply doesn’t read disks; making slight clicking and whirring noises before ejecting them, I believe that the drive probably needs to be replaced. Hopefully there is a spare drive in the store and the techs will be able to replace the drive quickly, as this machine is pretty core to my network at home.

At least this will give me an easy chance to clean behind where it normally sits. A fair bit of dust has built up back there in the last year.

UPDATE: A new optical drive has been ordered, and Apple will call me when it’s in the store so I can bring the iMac back in to have the replacement done. Until then I’ve got my iMac back at home.

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Plantronics Blackwire C610

I occasionally have to work from home, and most of that work ends up involving long conference calls. I’ve taken to using VOIP for these calls, but until now I didn’t have a quality headset to use during such calls. I’d tried everything from speakerphone via my iMac‘s built-in audio to an iMic and old analog gaming headset, but nothing sounded good and was comfortable to wear for more than a few minutes.

Having used Plantronics headsets for years at work I decided to see what they offered for portable / computer use and came across the Blackwire C610, one of their enterprise products and purchased it from PROVANTAGE for just under $70 shipped.

Without loading any drivers or software this headset shows up as a standard mono USB audio device, and its inline volume and mute switch works independently of the computer. The mute button also beeps through the earpiece to indicate mute status, and illuminates a dim red when the mic is muted. The headset weights a bit less than the handset alternative headset that I’d used at work for the last nine years and comes with the typical cord clip. There is also a two ear version (the Blackwire C620) for those who don’t like one-ear headsets.

The headset comes with both foam and leatherette ear piece covers, and the sound quality is outstanding. In tests calling friends and on conference calls I’ve received no complaints about quality, and when specifically asked I’ve been told that it sounds better than any mobile phone I’ve used recently. (This probably also has a fair bit to do with the PCM codec used by my VOIP provider.)

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VBScript Function to Check Active Directory Domain Access

The following VBScript function can be used to check if a given username and password has access to the specified domain. It will return true or false depending on whether or not access was granted.

function fnCheckAccess(strDomain, strUserID, strUserPWD)
    dim objDSO
    dim objUser
    dim strPath
    strPath = "LDAP://" & strDomain
    On Error Resume Next
    set objDSO = GetObject("LDAP:")
    if Err.Number <> 0 then
        fnCheckAccess = False
        fnCheckAccess = True
    end if
    On Error Goto 0
    set objDSO = Nothing
    set objUser = Nothing
end function

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Network Captures and Windows 7 Firewall

Windows 7 has a rather capable stateful firewall built into the OS. When troubleshooting network connectivity issues one often needs to determine if the client firewall (or something else) is blocking traffic. Quite commonly this involves acquiring a network capture to see what data is going to the client and comparing that with what is logged by the firewall.

I’ve just confirmed that network captures taken by Microsoft Network Monitor v3.4, WinPcap (used by Wireshark and WinDump), and netsh all capture data before the Windows Firewall has its way with it. Thus, packets which are dropped by the firewall are seen in a network capture. Confirmation of this was made by sending test TCP and UDP data with the firewall on and off, observing a local app set to receive the data (netcat), seeing which traffic hit the port via an external tap, what was captured locally, and what drops were logged by the firewall. In each case all TCP and UDP data seen by the external tap was also captured locally, even when it was dropped by the Windows Firewall. ICMP (and other IP protocols) were not tested.

This is a Very Good Thing from a network troubleshooting perspective.

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LiveJournal Is Dead

For as long as I’ve been making posts on, since back in March 2008, I’ve been automatically cross-posting things to my LiveJournal account ‘c0nsumer’. In recent years LiveJournal (LJ) has become markedly less interesting as folks move to other social networks and abandon the blogging format. I’m not about to give up a place to post random thoughts, images, and technical info, but I don’t think that I’m going to keep contributing such things to LJ.

I’m currently working on backing up my LJ account so that I can archive it somewhere, but as my account became unpaid this evening I suspect it won’t be long before I abandon LJ entirely and post solely here. I may even consider using Facebook, where I’ve maintained a minor presence so that I could view other people’s pictures. I’ve been a bit hesitant to use it for any real content, but as it reached critical mass a few years ago I really shouldn’t continue to ignore it.

So, I think that’s it. While LJ does offer some benefits such as ACLs to restrict access to posts (which I don’t use) and email notifications of replies to comments, I think it’s time to move on. Within a few days I’ll likely uninstall the LJ crossposter from WordPress, make a final post pointing back here, and bid the online social blogging platform that I’ve used since May 28, 2002 goodbye.

UPDATE: It turns out that the expiration of my LJ account does not remove my ability to automatically cross-post. So while I no longer have much of an interest in using LJ, I may as well continue cross-posting to make it easier for others to read.

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MySQL Help (phpBB and aMember)

As some of you know, I do many of the “webmaster” activities for the Michigan Mountain Biking Association. As part of this, I’m trying to do some MySQL stuff, but I’m really not sure where to start since it seems to be way beyond my abilities. So, I’m going to write it up here and hope that someone can help. Please? Help?

Thank you very much in advance for any help you can provide.

I’ll put it below the fold…


Network Capture During Boot on Windows 7 (and Server 2008 R2)

When working on network issues it’s often useful to have a network capture (or trace) illustrating the startup of the computer. As a tap, a switch with spanning ports, or wireless capture equipment is rarely available it’s nice to do this right in the OS. Thanks to some improvements in both Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2’s netsh it’s now possible to do just this. Most of the information in this post is gleaned from this article at TechNet Blogs Event Tracing for Windows and Network Monitor, but here I wish to present a simplified version of how to get and save a capture.

While there are more advanced methods available by running Microsoft Network Monitor (eg: capture filtering, remote shutdown via specially crafted packets, etc), this method will accomplish the majority of boot time network capture needs. This is also often much more useful than performing a capture via an external tap as it includes the ID and name of the process responsible for sending or receiving the given traffic.

To start a basic promiscuous mode capture listening on all interfaces with a 250 MB ring buffer (the defaults) and writing the trace file to the default location, use the following command, run as Administrator:

netsh trace start capture=yes persistent=yes

The capture will then run until stopped, even through reboots. To stop the capture and write the capture file out to disk, use the following command:

netsh trace stop

Consult the output from netsh trace start help to determine the other options you may want to set. Here are what I find to be the most-useful options:

maxSize=250 MB: Maximum capture size.
overwrite=yes: If there’s an existing trace of the same name, should it be overwritten?
traceFile=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp\NetTraces\NetTrace.etl: The output network Event Trace Log (ETL) file.

After an .ETL is obtained it needs to be opened and filtered with Microsoft Network Monitor to remove the extra headers. To do this ensure that you’re using the Windows set of parsers (Parser ProfilesNetworkMonitor ParsersWindows), use the display filter:


From here additional filters can be used, such as the example screenshot above which uses the following filter to display all captured ARP traffic:


While I normally prefer Wireshark for capture analysis, I’ve found a number of cases where Network Monitor is more useful. The PID and Process Name capture, the IntelliSense-like autocompletion in the Display Filter, and the seemingly better decoding of a few protocols (SMB in particular) are great, even if the default layout is a bit crap and there aren’t as many built-in analysis tools. While obtuse to many It’s also quite a bit easier to get apprehensive customers to install a single Microsoft-provided tool on their devices than something they view as simply “a freeware tool from online”.

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Time Machine Works!

After roughly twenty four hours of working and waiting on Danielle’s computer I have the hard drive uncorrupted and Time Machine working! It turns out that despite my previous thought that the corrupt drive was preventing backups from happening it was actually something else: the entries for the shared drive on the AirPort in the System Keychain somehow weren’t working right. Deleting them and allowing them to be recreated fixed things.

Since I have syslog on the AirPorts logging to pfSense (on the alix2d1). By using that along with logs on the Mac I could see that everything was pointing to an authentication issue. The user account could access the drive just fine, but Time Machine sets the shared drive’s password in the System Keychain during setup, so I then looked there. Seeing a number of entries for Core, the name of the AP, I removed them all and set things up again. Suddenly Time Machine created its .sparsebundle, mounted it, and set off backing things up. While I don’t know exactly what was wrong (conflicting Keychain entries? wrong one getting read? defective Keychain?) at least I know what got things working again.

I’ve plugged the machine into a wired connection to hurry things along, but hopefully the remaining ~107GB of data will be backed up before Danielle gets here. Then hopefully it’ll keep working…

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