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Wrong Sandwich

What was supposedly a Leonardo da Veggie sandwich from Brueggers' Bagels isn't. It is lacking roasted peppers and cream cheese.

My lunch today, as ordered from Bruggers’ Bagels, was a Leonardo da Veggie sandwhich. This is normally a sandwich with cream cheese, roasted red peppers, and some other veggies on it. Unfortunately, what i was served appears to be another veggie sandwhich, lacking cheese and peppers and such. This, unfortunately, makes it both disappointing and rather unfilling. Suffice to say, I have Written A Letter.

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CrankBrothers Eggbeater C Pedals

2009 CrankBrothers Eggbeater C pedals in black on my Specialized Rockhopper.

Today after work I spent some time cleaning up my bike, as last Saturday while getting a new helmet I’d picked up my unbroken bike wheel from being fixed. This was returned to the bike (the Specialized Rockhopper), drivetrain bits cleaned up, and a new pair of CrankBrothers Eggbeater C pedals were installed. These are practically the same as the pedals I’d put on the Bianchi D.I.S.S. (during the issue-causing cleat removal), varying only in color.

At first I wasn’t sure of these pedals, as I had a hard time getting clipped/unclipped from them. However, after installing the new-style cleat and a set of shims to raise the cleat slightly I think they’ll be okay. This evening I took a test ride around the parking lots here and found that both clipping and unclipping was much, much easier. I still can’t get in or out of them as fast as I could with the SPDs, but that’ll likely come with time.

For now I just need to wait until the stitches come out (Thursday morning, most likely) and for the inside of my mouth to stop hurting, then I can go ride more. Hopefully that will be Saturday or so.

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Bicycle Helmet Testing

While doing research on bicycle helmets, and specifically my old Specialized helmet and new Giro one, I found something interesting. It seems that the Snell testing standards for bicycle helmets are more stringent than those legally mandated by the CPSC. Additionally, the CPSC standards are tested against by the manufacturer, while the Snell standards are independently verified.

Making things more interesting, none of the Giro or Bell helmets conform to the Snell standards. The only name I recognized on the Snell-provided list of helmet manufacturers is Specialized, the company which manufactured the helmet I was wearing when I fell on Friday.

At this point I can’t help but wonder if I should return the Giro helmet I purchased and get something like the Specialized Instinct instead. I believe that Bell and Giro both make good helmets, but I just wonder if the bit of extra certification is worth it.

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Helmet Damage Necessitates New Helmet

Another photo of the damage to my old helmet, this time with a scale.

Thanks to last night’s fall, my helmet is (as seen above) a bit damaged. Typically one should replace a helmet after a crash deforms it, because after that it’s not quite as strong as it was, has harder spots, etc. When I stopped by Fraser Bicycle & Fitness to pick up my repaired rear wheel they happened to be having a spring sale, including 20% off all accessories. So, while there I picked up a this Giro Phase helmet in Matte Gunmetal. Hopefully this one will work out nicely as well, protecting my head if / when I crash the next time.

Here’s another image of the damage to my old helmet. I wonder if that crease-ish line there was caused by the mounting post for the visor, or something else. If it was the mounting post, it may explain some of the cuts on my face, as it’s directly in line with my nose and upper lip. Tomorrow I may be heading out to Stony Creek with some folks to help pick up downed trees / improper log piles (such as the one I ended up on), so maybe I can find the visor from the old helmet and figure it out.

I also need to destroy my old helmet so that no one else ends up using it. I’m not sure how I’ll do that yet, but I have a feeling that it may involve my bandsaw, if I can get the helmet to fit in there. Or, can any of you think of any uses for a should-not-be-worn helmet? I will not donate it to charity / a thrift shop, regardless how amusing it is to think about doing wrong things. That does force me to ask how immoral it is to try and pawn it, though. Pawn shops are particularly caveat emptor.

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Bruises and Stitches

The next day shows a bruised cheek bone, slightly blackened eye, and some other bruising in conjunction with the stitches.

Danielle suggested I take a photo today, as the bruising from last night’s accident is a bit more pronounced. I’ve also got a bit of a bruise on my left thigh, left shoulder, and right upper arm, combined with a sore lower back (surface, from the seat hitting me, I believe), and a quite sore calf.

All said, I’m quite thankful that this is apparently all the damage done. I still feel a bit out of it, but likely is also from not sleeping well last night. Or, maybe I caught some cold from one of the people in the Urgent Care. I hope not, as blowing my nose will be terrible right now.

Thanks to everyone for the nice comments, good wishes, and stuff like that. While I am feeling quite well, it makes me feel really nice to hear from everyone. Thank you.

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This Is Why We Wear Helmets

More of Dr. Maristela stitching up my face.

With the nice weather today and a report that most of the Stony Creek mountain bike trails were ridable, I decided to head out there with my new-to-me single speed and give it a go. While exhausing, things went great all the way to the top of Mt. Sheldon, where this photo was taken. After that I started to head down The Roller Coaster, where things were equally fun, until I started into the back half of this trail.

Immediately after descending a rather root-y area and crossing some two-track path (marker #24), there were a couple of decaying logs which I had to ride over. (This crossing / section can be seen in this video, right after 1:45.) As I went to ride over them, my front wheel sort of sank into the log, my bike stopped, and I went over pulling the bike on to me. I immediately knew that things weren’t right, because I could taste blood and felt a little out of it.

After checking parts (teeth, tongue, lip, etc) and taking this photo to assess the wounds (warning, a bit graphic), I realized that I was a bit messed up. At that point I gathered my stuff and started walking back to the parking lot. Thankfully someone (Mike Moss, Stony Creek’s excellent MMBA Trail Coordinator, I presume) had recently posted accurate maps of the trails, which include the numbered intersections making the walk pretty quick.

Once back at the car I put everything away, cleaned myself up a bit, then went to meet Danielle at my house. She then drove me to the Urgent Care facility at M-59 and Heydenreich where I received excellent treatment from a bunch of different nurses and Dr. George Maristela. While there I received a tetanus booster shot, general check-over, five or six injections (very painful) of Lidocaine, and the seven (particularly fine) stitches which were needed to close the wound.

The final tally is a Y-shaped cut on my upper lip which tool seven stitches to close, a cut on my nose, a mole on the left side of my face which was mostly ground/cut off, a bruise on my forehead from the helmet, and various other scrapes and bruises. I also have a seven-day prescription for Cephalexin (Kephlex GEQ). Thankfully there were no problems with my tongue, teeth, neck, skull, or any of the hard to fix / very important parts. This, combined with really great treatment by an excellent doctor and staff made things, so far, not that bad. This fall could have been much, much worse.

I can’t help but think that when the visor came off of my helmet (they clip on loosely) my face hit that, which actually cut me, but I can’t be certain of that. Regardless, I will have to get a new helmet as mine has a nice dent / flat spot in the front, and once one falls hard in a helmet it should get replaced. I think in the future I may forego the visor completely and just wear a cycling hat with flip up/down visor. This will accomplish the same ends as a visor, but without the detachable plasticky bit risk.

Danielle and I brought a camera to the Urgent Care, so (with the doctor’s permission) she took photos all throughout the procedure. If you’d like to see the photos, they can be found in the Stitches! album here. Here are some of the more notable photos:

· Me, a bit cleaned up but with a split upper lip, before leaving the house to go the Urgent care.
· A very, very painful injection of Lidocaine.
· Stitches going into my face.
· Firmly holding the bed frame during the last couple stitches, which I could slightly feel.
· Wincing at the last couple stitches, which hurt a bit.
· Procedure complete, laying there a bit bloody waiting to be cleaned up.
· After being cleaned up, just about time to leave.


AVRDUDE Bug Report

AVR Dragon jumpered for HVPP (High Voltage Parallel Programming) with an ATMEGA8-16PU in the ZIF socket.

After some conversation with an AVRDUDE developer I submitted bug #26002: HVPP of EEPROM with AVR Dragon and ATmega8 Fails. This problem was mentioned earlier and while I tried to get the app building so that I could attempt to fix it myself I wasn’t getting very far.

Thankfully I’m able to use the AVR Dragon in HVPP mode (which is the configuration shown above with the many, many jumpers) via AVR Studio and accomplish my goal. This means that programming the chips for the SDrive NUXX kits/parts/assembled devices should go quite smoothly.

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Building AVRDUDE Under OS X

NOTE: This doesn’t work right. See this update.

Since I don’t do much software development, it took me a bit to understand how to get AVRDUDE to compile with libusb under OS X. These steps here have been confirmed to work for AVRDUDE v5.5 and v5.6:

– Install libusb from MacPorts: sudo port install libusb
– Extract the AVRDUDE source, change to that directory.
– Set CPPFLAGS so the libusb headers can be found: CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include" && export CPPFLAGS
– Set LDFLAGS so the libusb libraries can be found: LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib" && export LDFLAGS
– In the AVRDUDE source directory, run configure as the MacPorts version does: ./configure --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
– Build it: make
– Win!

UPDATE: This doesn’t actually work. It builds, but attempting to access the AVR Dragon returns the following error: avrdude: jtagmkII_getsync(): sign-on command: status -1. This also occurs with the version of AVRDUDE in MacPorts, making me wonder what exactly the AVR MacPack folks had to do to make it build properly for OS X.

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Sharp Cheddar, Edwards’ Berkshire Bacon, Garlic Mushrooms

Today's lunch is a sandwich of sharp cheddar, dryly sauteed garlic mushrooms, and Edwards' Berkshire Bacon.

This sandwich, along with a bottle of sugary Mexican Coca-Cola, is my lunch today. It was assembled this morning by Danielle while I showered, made from items cooked last night. The sandwich is made from a piece of generic French bread from the bakery at Nino Salvaggio in Clinton Township, sharp cheddar, mushrooms and garlic which were sauteed in extra-virgin olive oil and butter, and Edwards’ Berkshire Bacon purchased at Zingerman’s after the 27th Anniversary tasting.

This is an extremely good sandwich.

I can only think of a couple ways to make it better, and those would only be incremental improvements which aren’t really that important. Specifically, using freshly chopped garlic with the mushrooms, a less yeasty bread, and a bit more special cheddar.

UPDATE: Upon completion of this meal I have realized that it is missing something: chocolate. I could really go for some decent mint chocolate right now. Unfortunately, the bar of chocolate currently owned by me is sitting on the kitchen counter at home. This disappoints me greatly.

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Programming Problem w/ AVR Dragon and ATmega8 in HVPP Mode

Over the weekend I received the jumpers for connecting the recently acquired AVR Dragon, so I decided to give it a go this weekend. Because the chips I’m using are programmed to use an external clock, the best programming mode for writing chips stand-alone is High-Voltage Parallel Programming, which doesn’t rely on an external clock.

After jumpering the board for HVPP per the SCKT3200A2 devicesheet in the official AVR Dragon documentation I tried it out on both OS X and XP, and it mostly works well, except for programming the EEPROM. For some reason, EEPROM seems to just not write, and thus validation fails. If I insert a chip with EPROM already programmed properly, validation will work, so reading is definitely working and nothing is (even partially) overwriting the existing data.

There are no problems writing the Flash or fuses, and since writing to both Flash and EEPROM use the same lines, I don’t think it’s something mis-jumpered. Nor do I believe the problem is the chip itself, since I’ve tried multiple chips which can be programmed in an STK200 (parallel port bitbang) programmer.

Here’s the command lines used with the AVR Dragon which errors while validating the EEPROM:

avrdude -p m8 -P usb -c dragon_pp -U lfuse:w:0x3f:m -U hfuse:w:0xdf:m -U flash:w:SDrive.hex:i -U eeprom:w:SDrive.eep:i

Here’s the one used with the STK200 clone, the same chip, and the same version of avrdude, which works just fine:

avrdude -p m8 -c stk200 -U lfuse:w:0x3f:m -U hfuse:w:0xdf:m -U flash:w:SDrive.hex:i -U eeprom:w:SDrive.eep:i

Here’s the actual error:

[Working stuff here cut...]
avrdude: verifying ...
avrdude: 8084 bytes of flash verified
avrdude: reading input file "SDrive.eep"
avrdude: writing eeprom (329 bytes):

Writing | ################################################## | 100% 36.51s

avrdude: 329 bytes of eeprom written
avrdude: verifying eeprom memory against SDrive.eep:
avrdude: load data eeprom data from input file SDrive.eep:
avrdude: input file SDrive.eep contains 329 bytes
avrdude: reading on-chip eeprom data:

Reading | ################################################## | 100% 33.60s

avrdude: verifying ...
avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000
0x72 != 0xff
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch

avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK

avrdude done. Thank you.

If anyone has an idea as to what might be wrong here, I’d love to hear it. This is exactly the same problem I get on both Windows XP (avrdude v5.6 from WinAVR-20081205) and OS X (avrdude v5.5 from AVRMacPack).

For what it’s worth, I have posted this here on the AVR Freaks forum, but it doesn’t seem to be receiving any replies.

UPDATE: It seems that this is a problem with avrdude. I can program the chip with no problem in HVPP mode using AVR Studio. This would be a good time to have a logic analyzer. Maybe I could actually fix the problem.