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Stitches Removed, etc.

This morning the stitches were removed from my face (photos later), and while initially painful from the jostling and tugging during the removal it already feels quite a bit better. I’m going to wait a few more days before attempting to shave, but I think that it’ll go well. After the doctor’s office visit this morning I ended up having a rather busy, but good day at work.

This evening I did some work on my multi-speed (Specialized) bike, fitting a new crankset (more on this later) and ensuring that shifting was working as it should. I then set out for a ride through one of my typical local routes on the single speed (Bianchi), just to get back into the swing of things. It was nice to get back out and ride some after almost a week of not doing so, and the route up through River Bends Park and on some dirt (and single track) stuff went very well. It was a nicely uneventful ride; one which I hope to follow up with a ride through Stony Creek this weekend which, hopefully, will not be eventful in any way which causes me (or others) injury or pain.

This evening was then capped off with some Pirate Booty clone stuff from Trader Joe’s and a bottle of New Holland’s Dragon’s Milk while watching most of the second season of the US version of The Office. I’m actually finding that this US version is quite a good adaptation of the UK series. I think I’ll try and watch all of the episodes currently available via Netflix‘s streaming stuffs.

And now? Bed.

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