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Ride Until Failure

Today I met up with Rob and some friends of his at the intersection of 22 Mile and Shelby, heading out for ride intended to go to Metro Beach and back. As the weather was forecasted to be a partly cloudy 38°F surprise in the middle of January we figured it’d be a good day for a long ride. We proceeded to ride at a decent clip up to Nick and Marty’s place in Mt. Clemens, stopped to fit chemical toe warmers, picked up Nick, Marty, Jon, and Bob, then continued on to Metro Beach. One guy who was with us since Shelby Township dropped off here, as he lived in Mt. Clemens and had brought his single speed set up at 32:18 and the sustained ~16 MPH ride out almost wore out his legs.

By the time we got to gazebo at Metro Beach (the end of the path) I realized that I hadn’t eaten enough this morning and I’d run out of glycogen. Despite having food (gels and good granola) available. this coupled with a bit of wearyness from yesterday’s trip to Ray’s had me questioning if I’d be able to make it all the way back home, including the last four miles before my house which are very rough, frozen sidewalks. Since Bob had parked at Nick and Marty’s he offered to drive me back to my place, which was a really wonderful favor, as making it all the way back home would have otherwise proved quite complicated. I guess the partial avocado (it was kinda rotted), bowl of oatmeal, cup of coffee, and pretzel bread / cheddar sandwich that I had for breakfast wasn’t quite enough calories for this ride.

All said, the total distance for today’s ride was 42.18 miles, averaging 13.3 MPH (peak 24 MPH) over 3:09:28 of moving time. With yesterday’s 15.7 miles, that puts this weekend up along a somewhat exceptional summer weekend. My legs are only slightly sore and I didn’t collapse, so I guess I’m doing all right.

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Ray’s MTB

I just got home from a trip down to Ray’s MTB in Cleveland, a really nice bike facility built into some old factories. We spent most of our time riding the the XC course, with stops in both the beginner and intermediate rooms, staying away from (but watching) the expert things, including some of the stuff that appears to be straight out of video games.

The trip worked out well, as I drove down Friday after work and split a room with Erik and Kristi. Lots of good food was had, and the weather was just about as nice as one could hope for in late January. Being above freezing put Ray’s building itself somewhere perfectly comfortable in shorts and light gloves/shirts.

At one point I let my front wheel slide while coming down a ramp and fell, but it only scuffed up my knee. The only other real problems were caused by other people, most notably kids on BMX/street bikes who can’t ride up hills but insist on riding the XC course. If they planned right it wouldn’t be a problem, but instead they’d stop part-way up hills, walk to the top, and stop. With the course being almost completely plywood it made stopping very difficult and restarting almost impossible. Then there were the collections of people who’d stop on any available mid-course platform, backing things up terribly…

That all said, this is definitely a place I’d like to visit again. Despite the few irritations riding there was a whole bunch of fun and quite a nice way to do some technical riding in the middle of winter. If you’d like to know more about it, head over to the Ray’s MTB website and check out the videos, maps, and things like that. There’s also a bunch of videos from there on YouTube. This video in particular shows a lot of the XC trail, even though it’s last year’s layout, which I’m told did not have nearly the number of lines (different route options) available now.

A few photos were taken today, but of those most ended up being crap. Here’s the few passable ones, including the one up top of the beginner room looking down from the place where one rides up a steep ramp into the ceiling/rafters:

· Erik’s bike, Kristi’s bike, and my bike in the hotel room when we went to Ray’s MTB in Cleveland.
· 24oz can of Colt 45 in my bike, in the hotel room. Works every time.
· Looking down from the ceiling in the beginner room of Ray’s MTB.

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Broken Specialized Water Bottle Cage

Last night while looking over my hard tail bike I noticed that the Specialized water bottle cage on the bike, purchased roughly two years ago, has broken. While the weld was cracked it didn’t completely let go until I gave it a gentle squeeze, splitting it open, as can be seen here and here.

It’s a good thing that the King Cage bottle cages arrived Tuesday, as I was able to drop one of those on the bike. While silver, which doesn’t match the bike very well, it should work well and not break. Finding the crack at home is also much better than having it come apart while riding, as this tends to cause water bottles to fall and be lost.

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Pretty, Pretty Metal

With today’s arrival of a Thomson X4 stem the handle bar on my new bike is now secured properly with a really wonderful looking stem. Well-machined parts are really beautiful. The stem also feels to be the right length and the black stem cap looks really good. And it’s made in the US! (Here’s a photo of the stem itself, just sitting on the workbench.)

The order that I’d placed with King Cage for some friends and I also arrived today (photo). In this order is a Iris cage, which is of a slightly different design than the standard water bottle cage. I’d purchased it for use with the previously mentioned Klean Kanteen, but it appears that the side loops don’t reach up to the shoulder of the bottle, so it’s only held in with friction (photo). I hope this isn’t a problem, but if it is I can always fall back on using a normal-ish bottle, which the Iris does hold quite securely around the indentation (photo). Or, worst case, I’ve got a spare regular King Cage-brand cage.

Now to wait for the pedals (should have shipped Monday) and the bike should be complete. I’ve also ordered a rather unique handlebar (Ragley Carnegie’s Bar) to try, but I’m not sure if I’ll fit that prior to the first single track ride this spring or not.

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Would You Like To Play A Game?

I remember reading articles like this (The Effects of a Global Thermonuclear War; 4th edition: escalation in 1988) when I was much younger, leading to lots of thinking about nuclear war and the inevitable, terrifying future. I can’t help but wonder how I would have ended up if I didn’t grow up with knowledge of the awesome power the world’s nations held and my awareness of completely helplessness in the face of it. At the time all I could do was hope that such a war never came to pass.


Removing LEDs from a Sony CDX-GT43IPW

Having some time this evening I opened up the ultra-bright LED-bearing faceplate from Danielle’s new car stereo. I was originally hoping to replace the LEDs with red or green ones, but after seeing that some are part of the tactile switches I decided against that. Looking into things by plugging the bare PCB into the head unit (photo) I found that the most offensive LEDs were those under the horizontal translucent buttons, with two of them lighting each button, and the ring around the chromed selector dial.

The decision was made to remove one LED from under each of the translucent buttons and one from around the ring. The LED removal went well, save for discovering that the ring LEDs are wired in series, so removing one turned off the entire ring. Still, the final result is much nicer. The stereo now lights up blue, but it’s no longer a glaring blue which makes seeing the road at night difficult. If you compare this photo from last night to this one from tonight you can see how much more reserved (and appropriate) the illumination now is. The loss of the knob ring illumination isn’t really a concern, as it’s the only knob on the device so it’s easy to find and other light glinting off the chrome finish makes it easy to see anyway. The tradeoff for less irritating light is worth it.

Interestingly there were two discreet sets of solder pads for each LED, and some silkscreen on the back that indicated selections for amber and green LEDs. I suspect that other similar models of this stereo offered the other illumination colors and this particular model was just for Target, or perhaps low end markets, or something like that. Or maybe this board is just fitted differently when used in other higher-end models…


Cross-Country Skiing

Today, for my first time since a ~30 minute session in fifth grade and Danielle’s first time ever, we went cross-country skiing. At 11am we met up with Erik, Kristi, Nick, Marty, and Jon at Stony Creek, paid the $20 to get some (fairly decent) rental equipment for the two of us, and headed out. While difficult, I managed to not fall and enjoy it, although neither Danielle nor I could keep up with everyone else. Danielle fell a few times, some of which were frustrating and others were comical, particularly as Marty then slid right into her.

It’s quite a fun activity and a nice way to get outside in winter time. Since there’s loads of local ski trails available, I really think I’m going to consider picking up some skis and equipment. After all, all that’s really needed is skis, bindings, boots, and poles. While initially saying that she never wants to do it again, Danielle did say that she’d probably give it another go, possibly in a few weeks or sometime next year.

Here’s the photos taken today, including the one above:

· Marty, Kristi, Danielle, Nick, and Erik while cross country skiing at Stony Creek.
· Looking down at my rented skis and poles at Stony Creek, cross country skiing for the first time since I was in fifth grade.
· Jon, Nick, and Erik way ahead of me while heading back towards the beginning of the ski trails.
· Danielle, Kristi, and Marty skiing along at Stony Creek.

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Ultra-Bright Blue LEDs!

Ever since getting an iPod Danielle’s been wanting a way to connect it to her car. While at Target today I happened across a Sony CDX-GT43IPW on clearance for $69.98, and a few hours later it was installed in her car. Installing an aftermarket stereo in a 2000-ish GM J Platform normally requires some wiring trickery so that the factory chime sounds aren’t lost, but thanks to Danielle’s car already having an aftermarket stereo I was able to simply adapt the old wiring harness to this stereo’s needs, resulting in the harness seen here.

Disassembling the dash to access the stereo was also a bit of a hassle, but easier than expected. The stereo worked on first go, and the iPod interface is surprisingly decent. The built-in menu system which manages the iPod is about as good as one can get from a one line display, and there’s another mode which simply allows the iPod to controlled directly. There’s also a standard 3.5mm Aux In on the faceplate, should she wish to hook up another device that way.

The biggest down side is the ultrabright blue LEDs which illuminate the controls on the front panel. For now Danielle just ignores them while driving, but I imagine they will get pretty irritating soon. Sometime tomorrow I’ll probably open up the face plate and check out the LEDs. Hopefully it’s easy enough to open and they are pretty easy to replace. Green or red, and much less bright, should work out well.

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Snow Storm Ride

Wanting to get some exercise and ride a bit I set out on my bike at about 8:30pm. While originally intending to ride around the neighborhood and just see how well the Nokian Hakka WXC300 tires perform in real snow, I found they worked well and instead headed towards River Bends. Taking the usual routes I logged 11.39 miles over 1:17:39, for an average of 8.8 MPH. That’s slow, but considering the super-studded tires and riding through 3″ of powder over packed snow and ice, I don’t think it’s too bad. (In case you don’t know we’re actually in the middle of a snow storm; one which is potent enough that riding a bike is almost easier than driving.)

The tires work out really well, and their large knobs do a very good job of sticking in snow. When riding on somewhat-packed residential roads they felt a bit squirrly, but that’s to be expected as there wasn’t much for them to bite into, but it was too deep for the studs to be of any use. While on the paths/sidewalks and on the trails where the surface was snow/ice they were outstanding and I’m really glad I purchased them. While they are of obvious limited utility being for one particular season, it would be much more difficult to ride now without them.

One of the other interesting events of the night was getting made fun of. It’s been a while since I was last shouted at by people in cars, but maybe the snow brings out odd people. While riding along, just as I was crossing some train tracks on the path, someone in a black Chevy Avalanche driving slowly past yelled something out the window. Later on when heading back home it passed again, the driver honked at me. Further on still while waiting for a it passed another time, slowing so the passenger could yell “nice light, yo yo”. This whole time I was 20′ – 30′ from the road, on an adjoining path.

I get made fun of in the strangest places. Flipped off from the road which I’m 40′ above on a pedestrian bridge… Yelled at from people below me on a highway while I’m in a bridge… People are strange.

Anyway, here’s some photos from tonight. Any cloudy bits (such as seen above) are condensed breath and sweat from my arms hanging in the air, as it wasn’t windy enough to carry it away:

· My Specialized hard tail, in River Bends, while riding in the middle of a snow storm which had already dropped 2-3″.
· After a bit of riding I stopped in the park pavilion to eat a gel. Riding in 3″ of snow is hard work.
· My bike after getting home snowing snow packed into the rims and other bits.
· Rear triangle showing snow packed into the cassette, chainrings, etc.
· Another view of the rear triangle, this time from a higher angle. Lots of snow is packed into the bike. Note how clean the tires from riding in snow.
· Detail of the bottom bracket / front derailleur area showing packed snow.
· The fork, front wheel, and brakes showing how much snow is packed into this end of the bike.

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Google Nexus One!

With Google’s release of the Nexus One it worked out very well for me to give my G1 to Danielle and pick up a Nexus One for myself. Thus far I’m quite happy with this phone. The AMOLED is absolutely outstanding and the phone is simply faster overall; the occasional quirky slowdowns when using many apps at once are gone.

It even comes with a cute logo’d neoprene case, as seen here!

I still have some service plan shuffling to do, including moving myself to an employee discount plan (via my workplace) and possibly another service plan. While I am out of contract and should be able to move plans at will, it appears that T-Mobile has a $35 fee to change plans via their website and I don’t want to pay that. We’ll see how that goes… Until then, the phone still works great, just like my old G1 but even better.

(Photographing a phone with active screen and having both parts look nice together is a very difficult task. More photos of the phone unboxing can be found here. I’m not bothering with measurement / thickness / whatever shots, as those are thoroughly addressed elsewhere.)

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