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External Intel 320 SSD

A couple weeks back, the Intel 320 SSD in my iMac failed, leaving the machine unbootable and the drive appearing as an 8MB volume. This drive was replaced with a new 256GB Crucial M4 SSD and the Intel drive was returned for warranty replacement.

Having no immediate need for another SSD but not wanting to have this one laying around I decided to put it in a Macally PHR-S250UAB external enclosure and use it as another piece of fast storage on my Mac. While the installation went well I’m not quite happy with the performance. Despite being connected via FireWire 800 (IEEE 1394b-2002) couple of benchmark tools report only around 80 MB/sec read and 65 MB/sec write while the spinning piece of rust inside the computer reports something like 105 MB/sec read and 107 MB/sec write. It’ll be much lower latency than a spinning disk, but I’m not sure it’ll provide improvement over the internal disk, especially for things I was hoping to do with it like running VMs.

Maybe I’ll give it a try on my work laptop for VMs there, or maybe I’ll see if it’d work out well in Danielle’s Macbook Pro.

The photo above shows the external enclosure with an Intel-provided case sticker applied to the top in place of Macally’s branding. Except for the residual curved blue logo pieces at the end that didn’t fall outside of the cutoff area, I think this worked pretty well. Here is a photo of it all being assembled.

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20 Miles before 8:00 AM

After dropping Danielle off for the her volunteering / crewing at Oakland Mall for the 3-Day and picking up an apple fritter from Donut Castle in Warren I found myself home just a little after 5:00 AM. With a fair bit of time before needing to start work and my feeling sleepy I decided to head out to River Bends for a quick ride.

I returned home just shy of two hours later, having headed up to River Bends via the usual route, through 2.5 laps of the ridable single track (all but the floodplain seasonal loops), then back home via Utica and Whispering Woods Park. The photo above is from a brief jaunt down into the floodplain to see how wet it was. I came across Jeremy’s bridge, which will hopefully be put back some time within the next week.

Since I was starting out in the dark I brought along lights, but they were unnecessary for seeing on pavement, and not needed in the woods by the time I was done with the first lap. This was the first starting-in-darkness ride I’ve done, and as I’m not accustomed to starting off in the dark and needing lights less and less as things progress it was a bit weird. The sun also comes from completely different angles in the morning, making it unexpectedly glaring on some parts of the trail and causing a few stop lights to be difficult to see.

Details of the ride are available here on Strava if you’re interested.

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The Circle of Life

This is the scene on the sidewalk near the front porch: a group of ants eating the remains of a squished cricket full of orange pulp-looking eggs. I wonder if this is the cricket that I’ve been hearing at night when falling asleep.

Nature takes care of its own.

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Functional Mukluk

After the ill-executed (but fun) beach ride a couple weeks ago the Mukluk was in serious need of some work. Specifically, I needed to replace the seized bottom bracket bearings and fix the lower derailleur pulley, and I also wanted to replace the becoming-worn middle chain ring as a bunch of chain suck during the beach ride kept me in the granny gear.

By picking up and assembling some tools (a blind bearing puller and a bearing press assembly) along with the required parts I was able to get all the affected bearings and chainring replaced, and I also swapped out the chain for a standard SRAM PC-991. The Mukluk had come with a KMC Z99 Rust Buster galvanized chain, and while it initially seemed nice I begun wondering if it’s rough surface was contributing to chainring wear.

The replacement chainring is a cheap (~$10) Truvativ ramped 32 tooth steel middle chainring to replace the stock e*thirteen part. While a bit heavier than the alloy model, I suspect that the steel ring will last quite a bit longer than the alloy one did, even when riding in potentially icky conditions. If it doesn’t, at least it was only $10.

A quick ride at River Bends this afternoon ending in rain showed that everything is working nicely, so hopefully everything’s in order for riding the bike as part of a fatbike-only team at tomorrow’s Tree Farm Relay.

Here’s some photos of various steps of this work:

· The e*thirteen bottom bracket after removing the bearings with a blind bearing puller. Conveniently this bottom bracket uses 6806-2RS bearings, the same size as BB30.
· Detail of the 6806-2RS marking on the bearing from the e*thirteen bottom bracket. This one seized up after a ride along the beach and in some fresh lake water.
· KML-brand 6806-2RS bearings to replace the seized bearings in the e*thirteen bottom bracket. These are BB30-size bearings.
· Bearing press made from some eBay-purchased dies, threaded rod, washers, and nuts. Bearings are also shown.
· Home-made bearing press before pushing the BB30 (6806-2RS) bearings into the e*thirteen bottom bracket cups.
· KML 6806-2RS bearings (BB30-size) pressed into e*thirteen bottom bracket cups. This went very smoothly.
· e*thirteen XCX crankset test fit with the newly-installed bearings. Everything aligned nicely.
· Lower SRAM X9 rear derailleur pulley after pressing in a new 626-2RS bearing. This cracked the inner ring of the pully, but appears well seated and spins smoothly so hopefully will remain usable.
· New SRAM PC-991 chain and steel Truvativ Trushift chainring (104 BCD, 32 T) on the e*thirteen crankset.

For reference, here’s the specialized parts that were used:

· e*thirteen Bottom Bracket Bearings: 6806-2RS (Same as BB30)
· SRAM 2011 X9 Lower Derailleur Pulley Bearing: 626-2RS
· BB30 Installation Drivers purchased from eBay seller mtbtools with threaded rod from Mid-States Bolt and Screw.

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Résumé Updated for 2012

Updating one’s résumé can be quite a pain especially if done under duress, so I like to periodically update it so that a fairly fresh copy is readily available. This afternoon I put the finishing touches on the most updated version, one which takes into account some changes at work, stuff that I’ve done with CRAMBA and the MMBA, and a few other newly-acquired skills.

If you’d like to see a copy of my resume it can be found at

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Ruined e*thirteen Bottom Bracket Bearings

My Salsa Mukluk 2 came fitted with an e*thirteen XCX+ Triple crankset, and unfortunately, the bearings that came with it were not as sealed or water resistant as I’d expected. After last weekend’s fat biking excursions into the lake I gave my bike a good check-over which included pulling the cranks to look for water in the frame and check out the bearings. Upon initially pulling the cranks the bearings were dirty and felt a bit scratchy when turned, but there wasn’t any noticeable water in the bottom bracket area so I left it all apart to thoroughly dry and clean figuring that I could live with the slight scratching. However, after drying out overnight the bearings went from slightly crunchy to thoroughly seized up.

Since the bearings were clearly useless I purchased a blind hole bearing puller and removed them from the cups, leaving the cups in the frame. I then removed the seals and cage from one baering, degreased it, and took the picture above showing just how damaged the bearings and races became. (Another view of it is available here.)

Normally the bearings and races should be shiny metallic, not corroded and scored as they are here. To my surprise the seals were fairly easy to remove and there was a lot less grease inside than I’d expected (the balls were only lightly coated, not packed), so I can’t help but wonder if with more grease the bearings wouldn’t have had problems. It also makes me interested in trying to pack extra grease into the replacement bearings. However, this would require removing the seals which brings with it a risk of damage…

(For reference, the e*thirteen bottom bracket uses the same 6806-2RS bearings (30mm x 42mm x 7mm) that fit the BB30 standard, this got me thinking about replacing the bearings instead of buying a whole new bottom bracket. I’ve obtained a blind hole bearing puller, bearings, and tools for pressing new bearings into place, so with any luck I’ll be able to replace the bearings and get the crankset working properly again.)

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Fat Biking in The Thumb

Yesterday some friends and I had plans to meet up in the tip of The Thumb to do some fat bike riding, which resulted in two separate rides. For the first, Bob, Rodney, his friend Gary, and I met up near at Danielle’s family’s cabin near Sleeper State Park and rode along both Sand Road and some of the forested dunes near there. This went well, but wasn’t really much different from riding typical sandy two track, and after an hour of this it was time to drive down the road and meet James for some beach riding at a park he’d picked out.

Arriving at Jenks County Park we found a rather nice beach heading in both directions, along with rocky shallows extending quite a ways out into the lake that we could ride on. This worked out quite well for almost two hours of riding, doing everything from super low tire pressure (~5 PSI) plodding along in the sand, riding in the edge of the lake, cruising over dinner plate like slate, and riding in 4-8″ deep water along small boulders. Being on the beach the average temperature for this ride was 97.3°F with the peak up at 102.2°F. The water helped temper this a bit, but it was still hot and very sunny out there.

Riding in the water seems to have been a bit problematic, as my chain is pretty gunked up and resulted in some frame-scratching chain suck that was really frustrating me. Per this article (a pretty authoritative source) this shouldn’t happen even with a dirty chain, so now I have to figure out how to repair (mostly recolor and cover) this damage and keep it from happening in the future.

After riding we chose a restaurant mostly-randomly (based on proximity and sane reviews via Google Maps) and ended up eating at The Farm. While not cheap (entrees were $15 – $30), the food was outstanding. I was quite glad we were able to find a quality restaurant somewhere up north. It was a very nice end to a fun day.

If you’re interested, here is the GPS plot + stats from this ride, and here is a small album of random snapshots taken at various points along the way. There is also this video of James riding his fixed gear Pugsley through the outflow of a river in Port Crescent State Park. It was a bit too deep for him to keep going, as the buoyancy of the tires and thickness of the water seemed to keep him from moving forward once the bike got to the top tube.

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Chain Stretch: Illustrated

While riding my single speed Salsa El Mariachi at River Bends this evening I dropped my chain. Since the dropouts hadn’t moved, this led me to thinking the chain had stretched. After getting home I measured it, and at 1/16″ of stretch over 12 links (12″) it met the fairly universal (and Sheldon Brown-blessed) definition of time-to-replace.

Shown above is a brand new SRAM PC-1 single speed / BMX chain hanging next to the worn chain. The tops of the chains were aligned and clamped in place, showing that just with gravity loading the chains there is almost 1/4 of a link of stretch over the length of the chain. This amount of stretch is enough to begin unevenly wearing teeth on the chainring and cog, which dramatically accelerates wear on these more costly parts. Thus, the chain shall be replaced.

ADDENDUM: I have been reminded that chain stretch isn’t actually stretching. So, for sake of clarity: stretch is actually elongation of the chain due to wearing of the plates and pins. During use the rollers and bushing also wear, but these don’t contribute to overall chain elongation. Roller and bushing wear will make chain measurement tools such as the Park Tool Chain Checker (CC-2) and Chain Wear Indicator (CC-3.2) provide false positive results, leading to premature chain replacement. This is covered in depth over here at

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