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So, I’ve got 10 shares of Google stock (NASDAQ:GOOG) and it’s down 40.92%. In short, I’ve lost a lot of money on it.

I’m noticing that Fannie Mae (NYSE:FNM) and Freddie Mac (NYSE:FRE) are up a whole bunch since they crashed a few days ago. I really, really can’t help but think that I should dump all my Google stock tomorrow morning, buy a bunch of Fannie Mae or maybe Freddie Mac, wait a few days, then sell that and move it all into an ETF which tracks the Euro.

Do any of you think this is a particularly good or bad idea?

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Phones Should Ring

xkcd #479: Tones

Danielle just sent me a link to this comic, xkcd #479, saying that it is me. Yes, I don’t like musical cell phone ring tones.

The ringer on a phone is designed to be an interruption. It’s point is to draw your attention to the fact that someone (or something) is calling you. It is to notify you that something requires your attention. For maximum effect the noise doing so should be distinct from other day to day noises, perhaps even slightly bothersome; exactly the same as an alarm clock sound. Therefore, I don’t understand why someone would want a favorite song of theirs to be providing this notification.

I really wonder why would someone want their favorite song’s hook being used as a device to grab their attention and prompt them into action. Are people trying to turn themselves off to something?

This thought doesn’t even begin to touch on how many musical ring tones happen to be in a frequency range which doesn’t do a good job of standing out from background noise, making it so that the user doesn’t hear their phone when it rings. Or what about those which start out quiet enough that the first five seconds of ringing isn’t particularly audible. Isn’t the point of having a phone ring so that one can hear it?

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23 Tubes 1 Bowl



Labeled image of the bowl filled with toothpaste showing which is which.



Over the years I’ve ended up with quite a few sample-size tubes of toothpaste. I dislike the strong, lingering flavors of most of these toothpastes, so I normally use Tom’s of Maine (or Trader Joe’s equivalent, but not Tom’s of Finland) plain mint toothpaste. As a result, I had a bunch of old tubes which were past expiration and needing to be thrown out. 23 tubes (and four small sample packs), in fact.

Before throwing them out I decided to squeeze them all into one bowl. Next I stirred it all together, found that a spoon will almost stand up in it, then put some on my toothbrush and brushed my teeth with it.

This multi-sample toothpaste concoction didn’t taste bad, but was overwhelmingly mint backed by a few other unidentifiable herbs. Even after rinsing my mouth a number of times the taste still lingers, but this matches my experience (and complaint) with all of the Colgate, Crest, etc toothpastes I’ve tried in the past.

Now to figure out how to dispose of it. Maybe dumping it in the trash then attempting to wash the bowl…

Here’s an index of the photos taken of the 23 Tubes 1 Bowl ‘experiment’:

· 23 small tubes and four sample packets of toothpaste from companies like Crest and Colgate.
· The 23 tubes of toothpaste and four sample packs squeezed into a bowl, surrounded by the remaining packaging.
· Labeled image of the bowl filled with toothpaste showing which is which.
· The previous image of the bowl filled with 23 tubes (and four sample packets) of toothpaste, without the labels.
· Closer view of the bowl containing 23 tubes (and four sample packets) of toothpaste.
· The bowl of toothpaste was rather difficult to stir and made an interesting swirled pattern before coming together.
· Mostly homogenized, it is almost possible to stand a spoon up in the bowl of toothpaste. It falls over after two or three seconds.
· Top down view of the nicely mixed bowl of toothpaste.
· Having mixed together all the toothpaste I decided to dip my toothbrush in and try brushing my teeth with it.
· The damage: empty toothpaste tubes, packets, boxes, and a bunch of caps.



Labeled image of the bowl filled with toothpaste showing which is which.



Over the years I’ve ended up with quite a few sample-size tubes of toothpaste. I dislike the strong, lingering flavors of most of these toothpastes, so I normally use Tom’s of Maine (or Trader Joe’s equivalent, but not Tom’s of Finland) plain mint toothpaste. As a result, I had a bunch of old tubes which were past expiration and needing to be thrown out. 23 tubes (and four small sample packs), in fact.

Before throwing them out I decided to squeeze them all into one bowl. Next I stirred it all together, found that a spoon will almost stand up in it, then put some on my toothbrush and brushed my teeth with it.

This multi-sample toothpaste concoction didn’t taste bad, but was overwhelmingly mint backed by a few other unidentifiable herbs. Even after rinsing my mouth a number of times the taste still lingers, but this matches my experience (and complaint) with all of the Colgate, Crest, etc toothpastes I’ve tried in the past.

Now to figure out how to dispose of it. Maybe dumping it in the trash then attempting to wash the bowl…

Here’s an index of the photos taken of the 23 Tubes 1 Bowl ‘experiment’:

· 23 small tubes and four sample packets of toothpaste from companies like Crest and Colgate.
· The 23 tubes of toothpaste and four sample packs squeezed into a bowl, surrounded by the remaining packaging.
· Labeled image of the bowl filled with toothpaste showing which is which.
· The previous image of the bowl filled with 23 tubes (and four sample packets) of toothpaste, without the labels.
· Closer view of the bowl containing 23 tubes (and four sample packets) of toothpaste.
· The bowl of toothpaste was rather difficult to stir and made an interesting swirled pattern before coming together.
· Mostly homogenized, it is almost possible to stand a spoon up in the bowl of toothpaste. It falls over after two or three seconds.
· Top down view of the nicely mixed bowl of toothpaste.
· Having mixed together all the toothpaste I decided to dip my toothbrush in and try brushing my teeth with it.
· The damage: empty toothpaste tubes, packets, boxes, and a bunch of caps.


Crushed Slug

Crushed slug stuck to the down tube of my bike. I found it after a ride at Addison Oaks.

Today Danielle and I managed to make it out to Addison Oaks park, where I did two laps on the mountain bike trails. One was on the normal route, the other was on the race route which includes a newly cut section of single track.

The ride went well, but I find it to be a bit more tiring than Stony Creek, because it doesn’t have as lengthy of sections for catching one’s breath.

On Wednesday when riding Addison I ended up with a crushed slug stuck to the top of my shoe. Today I ended up with one stuck on the down tube, so after driving home I decided to take a picture of it. Enjoy! (Click here for the high res version.)

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Time For A New Printer

Old parallel port printer cable connecting into the back of my work laptop, a Dell D610.

I guess I really need a new printer. After almost a year of limping along with a failing HP LaserJet 5L at home I’m finding I can’t even convince it to print any more. Today I was able to get it to print a test page while manually guiding the paper deep into the feed mechanism, but then I was unable to print properly from either my Mac or work laptop via lpr (to the JetDirect), or straight from my work laptop via parallel port.

Two pages bearing print did leave the printer eventually when connected via parallel port, but only half of the PDF which I needed to print (a free admission ticket to Addison Oaks for riding the mountain bike trails) was actually render correctly. Oh well. I guess it’s time to go to Kinkos.

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Good Beer for Good Friends

A fridge full of beer for when friends visit. There is stuff from Dogfish Head, JW Lees, New Holland, Founders, Magic Hat, and Jolly Pumpkin.

People are visiting tonight and bringing good food, so I stopped and got good beer:

· Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale
· J.W. Lees Manchester Star Ale
· Founders Breakfast Stout
· Magic Hat’s Circus Boy
· Magic Hat’s 9
· Magic Hat’s Jinx
· Magic Hat’s Participation Lager
· New Holland’s Dragon’s Milk
· Jolly Pumpkin’s Dark Dawn Stout

Not pictured, not purchased tonight, and / or not in the fridge is a quite-aged bottle of vanilla mead made by a friend of mine, some Sparks (for Danielle), and some Kuhnhenn Chocolate Braggot.

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Busy Weekend

This weekend looks to be very busy. I’m still at work, don’t know when I’ll be leaving, and likely will have to put in some time on either Saturday evening or early Sunday morning.

The new hard disks for my server are going to be delivered today, so hopefully the wipe of the failing ones (with DBAN) will be complete by the time I arrive home so that I’ll be able to do the dump and restore, check out the install, then get in with more burn-in.

I’d originally planned on riding both the Tour De Troit and the Addison Oaks Fall Classic this Saturday and Sunday (respectively), but I just don’t think I want to schedule things that tightly. So, maybe I’ll get out and ride a bit, but it definitely won’t be anything planned or structured.

Now, to get this stuff at work wrapped up. Thankfully Danielle brought me some really, really yummy lunch from Rangoli Express so that I didn’t have to leave for lunch today. It was really, really, really good.

(No, I’m not neglecting work right now… I’m just waiting for some other folks so I can keep going with stuff that I’m doing.)

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+12 Hours of Breakin

Breakin, having run for 12h 28m 33s after swapping RAM around.

Yesterday I ordered a pair of Seagate Barracuda ES.2 ST3500320NS disks to replace the two which failed on Tuesday. Today I called Newegg about my RMA for the old ones and the old controller and was able to get the 15% restocking fee waived for both the controller and drives. Hopefully the drives will arrive tomorrow and I can dump | restore the OS and such, then start Breakin running so that it can thrash the drives for a few days.

Speaking of Breakin, I disconnected the disks from the machine (but left them mostly fitted in the case as to not disrupt airflow) and started Breakin running this morning before I left for work. When I arrived home it was still running, unlike last week when it regularly failed with MCEs. This is good, as I had been unable to get it to run for this long before.

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SMART Issues

When I got home I started running SeaTools, Seagate’s disk diagnostics utility for Windows, on the ad4 which had begun failing earlier. It reported back that it, and the other hard drive, were just fine. However, when booting into FreeBSD after using them I found that both drives were now indicating that Seek_Error_Rate was past threshold. The OS booted very slow, then kicked ad6 out of the mirror set.

I tried connecting the drives to another, standalone SATA controller (some plain old Maxtor bundle-in one) with new SATA cables and same problem.

So, I’m not sure what to do. Here’s every issue I’ve had with the new server and its resolution:

Issue: Server locking up hard, unexpectedly. MCEs on console.
Resolution: Ensure that only matched RAM is used and that all RAM tests good during burn-in.

Issue: Slow performance / absurd latency while using 3ware disk controller.
Resolution: Identified GIANT-LOCK on driver, moved to using software mirroring.

Issue: One of the original two Western Digital disks used, which were part of a gmirror set, has started giving block errors.
Resolution: Replace disks with brand new Seagate pair.

Issue: Both of the new Seagate drives began failing with excessive Seek_Error_Rate within a few hours of each other after extensive burn in.
Resolution: Unsure.

I can’t help but wonder if one of the Seagates beginning to fail was contributing to the latency observed with the 3ware controller, but as neither was throwing SMART errors at the time, so I discount this.

My current thought is that I should order a pair of server-grade disks, burn them in as before (~50 hours of constant activity), copy the data to them, then see if things will keep working. The failed disks and the unwanted 3ware controller will go back to Newegg, and hopefully things will work right.

I don’t know what other option I have besides scrapping the whole idea of moving servers, but I really rather not do that. If anyone else has any ideas, I’d love to hear them…

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New Hard Disk Is Failing

root@banstyle:~# smartctl -H /dev/ad4
smartctl version 5.38 [amd64-portbld-freebsd7.0] Copyright (C) 2002-8 Bruce Allen
Home page is

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: FAILED!
Drive failure expected in less than 24 hours. SAVE ALL DATA.
Failed Attributes:
  7 Seek_Error_Rate         0x000f   013   012   030    Pre-fail  Always   FAILING_NOW 38293929828058


I can’t win. Now one of the brand new hard disks in the server is getting a bunch of seek errors.

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