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Category: computers

HW-group’s Hercules

Since Dominic / is doing some serial port troubleshooting today, I dug up a link to one of my favorite serial port troubleshooting tools: HW-group’s Hercules. This is made available ostensibly for use with their RS232 / network / remote serial port devices, but it works great for all manner of serial port work.

I’ve used this utility quite often in the past when testing out serial ports, USB to serial adapters, and various serial devices that I’ve made. I like it because it shows the status of things in virual LEDs and allows you to send arbitrary data, manually toggle DTS/RTS on and off, and just generally generate and receive serial data at will. It also has some nice built-in network features that allow one to virtually use a serial port across a network, and other features which are generally useful for those doing serial network stuff.

Here’s a quote from HW-group’s Hercules page which lists its basic features:

· All basic TCP and UDP utilities in one file, no installation required (just one .EXE file)
· Implemented Serial Port Terminal is working with the Virtual Serial Ports (COM12 for example). You can check and control all serial port lines (CTS, RTS, DTR, DSR, RI, CD)
· Simple TCP client (like the Hyperterminal) with the TEA support, view format, file transfers, macros..
· Easy to use TCP Server with the TEA support, view format, file transfers, macros..
· Hercules contains simple UDP/IP “Terminal” with view formats, echo, file transfers, macros..
· Support the NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) in the Test mode tab, as like as NVT debuging features..
· Using Telnet extended with NVT allows serial port configuration (RFC2217), device identification, confirmation of data sequence, etc.
· It’s FREEWARE you can use and share this software free – check the licence!

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Automatically Geotagged Moblog Photos

My breakfast this morning involves a pint of coffee and a giant Mexican pastry that Danielle picked up for me.

I’ve been using a camera app called SnapPhoto since switching to using a TMobile G1 / HTC Dream / Google Phone. It’s a rather nice camera app, as it does stability detection before taking the photo, manual white balance setting, JPEG quality settings, etc.

But, what I like most about it is that it uses the built-in geolocation stuff (GPS and/or cellular) to add the GPS EXIF headers which Gallery can parse and make a Google Map from. Therefore, if you visit my Moblog and click the View Album on a Map link, you’ll be presented with a map showing where I’ve taken Moblog photos.

As an exercise, find my house and you can get a link to the photo above of my breakfast from today (coffee and a Mexican pastry). Now I just need to wait for there to be a good Gallery upload app for Android and these can be taken, captioned, and posted all directly from the phone. (There’s one which kinda works, but not with my httpd and in a few other odd situations…)

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Night Riding and Moblog Image Uploading

Crossing back over the bridge from Clinton River Park to Dodge Park after a winter evening ride with Bob.

Today at lunch I made a quick trip home and plugged in the batteries for my bike lights so that I’d be able to see tonight when Bob and I met up for a bike ride through Dodge Park and the Clinton River Park. (For reference, the two are connected by the bridge above, which crosses the Clinton River.) I rode the Bianchi D.I.S.S., which was really great everywhere except for the 3″ thick glare ice in one of the flooded parts of the trail. (Bob had no problem riding over it with his Nokian Extreme 294 studded tires, though.)

That photo above was taken with the new-to-me Android / T-Mobile G1 and is at the heart of my biggest problem with it: getting content (namely pictures) off of it. The device works great, but it does not support Bluetooth OBEX, has no IR, and the SD card does not mount as USB Mass Storage when the handset is connected via USB. I’ve also had no luck with the now four FTP, SFTP, and/or direct-to-Gallery apps which I’ve tried.

The only current solution seems to be emailing the photos or copying them over USB using adb (Android Debug Bridge). Emails difficulties are obvious, and adb is just tedious, requiring full paths to the images (eg: c0nsumer@reason:~/Desktop> adb pull /sdcard/dcim/Camera/20090121185850.jpg 20090121185850.jpg).

I’d love a direct-to-Gallery uploader, but judging by the current state of the other apps in Android Market it looks like I’ll have to write one myself.

There is something called Bucket Upload which seemed promising as it could do custom HTTP multipart uploads, but as the Gallery Remote Protocol requires two requests for authenticated uploads (login then add-item) it wouldn’t work. It’s only designed to do single-request uploads.

UPDATE: It’s been shown to me that selecting the USB connectivity notification in Android after plugging the phone in allows one to dismount the microSD card from the phone and present it to the OS. This will be a good stopgap.

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High Android Phone

For some reason VMware Fusion identifies the T-Mobile G1 phone running Google's Android as 'High Android Phone'.

VMware Fusion, for some reason, identifies the G1 as ‘High Android Phone’ when connected via USB. OS X only sees it as ‘Android Phone’ and Vista (once the drivers are installed) sees it as both ‘Android Phone’ and ‘HTC Dream Composite ADB Interface’.

(Thanks to the generosity of a friend I’ve recently come into possession of a T-Mobile G1 phone running Google’s Android. It’s only costing an extra $20/mo for unlimited data, so I’ve been using full time since I received it. It’s really nice, and I’m sure I’ll write more about the phone, its OS, and the dev tools later.)


Xbox Live Open NAT Using pf on OpenBSD

Detailed photo of the word 'Strict.' from the Xbox 360 Network Test which insists that my network setup is restrictive.

It’s done. My Xbox 360 is now working properly via NAT talking through the Trashwall and using WOW! service.

After getting my previously mentioned pf problem on Trashwall sorted out I tested out the Xbox 360 to see if the network test for Xbox Live would pass. Guess what? It didn’t, continuing to insist that my NAT type is strict.

A bit more research (and information which seems to come from this post at Russ’s Blog) indicates that the Xbox Live uses the following classifications for NAT:

Strict: Symmetric NAT.
Moderate: Cone shaped NAT with port filtering or with UPnP turned off.
Open: Cone shaped NAT with no port filtering or with UPnP turned on.

Cone and symmetric NAT descriptions are formalized in RFC3489, and a bit more digging brought up this general how-to for using OpenBSD’s pf, indicating that the static-port directive on a NAT rule (described here in the POOL OPTIONS section of the pf.conf(5) man page) makes OpenBSD do cone-shaped NAT.

So, overall, what did it take to fix it? Well, it was actually three things:

· I switched to Wide Open West for data service, which gave me three IPs.
· While the whole house was NATted through one of the IPs, the Xbox 360 alone has been bidirectionally NATted through another.
·The magic static-port option on the NAT line for the Xbox 360.

Without a second IP I wouldn’t have been able to forward all ports inbound, which without a UPnP daemon (which didn’t go well before) would have resulted only a NAT setting of Moderate.

All of this has been documented in the updated version of the article on the Trashwall, my home’s a firewall / NAT device / switch / whatever built out of an unwanted PowerMac G4.

(In case you didn’t notice, this photo does a good job illustrating the wire in a aperture grill, such as the one here on an Sony KD-34XBR970 CRT HDTV. If you’d like to see the original without the no sign, here’s the small version and here it is at full res.)


binat on OpenBSD’s pf Confuses Me

UPDATED: This is fixed. See the bottom of the post.

With the move to Wide Open West for data service at home I now have up to three IPs available, all assigned via DHCP. In order to best use them and work around the Xbox Live problems I was having I wanted to do the following:

– Assign one IP to one interface, and NAT everything through it, like normal.
– Assign a second IP to a second interface, and use binat to have my Xbox 360 to basically have its own public connection. (Sort of like being in the DMZ on a Linksys box.)
– Leave the third IP alone for times when I want a non-firewalled connection.

While I have this set up, it doesn’t seem to be working. Here’s my current configuration. If anyone can tell me what I’m doing wrong or offer suggestions, please do so:

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Wide Open West Physical Installation

New junction box installed on the outside of my condo when Wide Open West service was installed. I think the installer did a good job.

Last Monday I had Wide Open West CATV and internet service installed. The installer was a nice guy, did just what I wanted, and did a good job putting the new junction box on the outside of the house. As requested he left the Comcast line going into the house, replaced the old splitter, and let me take care of the data side of things (very basic to set up; no Comcastic walled garden crap), and had an MCard for the TiVo.

The only problem I had is that he wasn’t familiar with setting up TiVos and forgot to check for reception of HD channels. A phone call to WOW! service after he left got those turned on and everything was set.

Thus far I’ve been mostly happy with the data service. Tests at have shown that I can achieve the claimed 15Mbps downstream and 2Mbps upstream quite regularly. Everything has been much faster in real use as well, and uploads to my photo gallery are far, far faster now.

I intend to write up a more technical description of how I like the service, including how I intend to use the three IPs (DHCP assigned) that I’m allocated as part of the service, but that will have to come later. For now I’ve got some other projects to wrap up.

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Considering Wide Open West

For years I’ve had Comcast for data services here at my house. I’ve had few problems with them, my IP rarely changes, and the service seems decent. However, I’m trying to figure out a few things about it and searching at Google isn’t providing many results, so I’m hoping that some of you can help me.

I currently pay $62.95 for just data from Comcast. In researching getting a better deal I came across a package from WOW! with 2Mb/sec uploads with digital cable for $99/mo. This package is WOW!’s Xtreme Turbo 15Mbps (2Mbps Upload) Internet and Digital Value Cable Bundle:

WOW! Xtreme 15Mbps Internet is ideal for online gaming, video streaming, downloading large photos and accessing video-rich website content, and includes 5 e-mail accounts, 3 IP addresses and 10 MB of web space. WOW! Digital Value Cable delivers your local broadcast networks and Basic Cable, with an on-screen Interactive Program Guide, 45 channels of commercial-free CD-quality digital music, multiple channels of your primary premium services, expanded pay-per-view selections and access to WOW! OnDemand, our Video OnDemand service with a continually updated library of over a thousand titles including movies, kids’ shows, sports, music, and events.

· How do you like the service overall? What sort of problems have you had? Is the HD content decent or degraded ala Comcast?

· In this it says that I’d get three IPs, but do any of you know how those are allocated? Does the modem (or upstream stuff) just hand out that many, or are they statically set?

· If addressing is done via DHCP, what’s the lease time from WOW!?

· WOW!’s Additional Services & Equipment page lists CableCARDs as costing $3.50/mo. Do you know if this is an M-type? I’m needing to put this in a S3 TiVo, so it’ll have to be either an M-type or I’ll have to get two S-type.

UPDATE: I just signed up for WOW! with an install date of Monday. I was told the first CableCARD is free, and is an M-type. Installation is free, and the referral program should get $25 for both my aunt and I after a couple months. All three IPs appear to be allocated via DHCP, so it’ll take some fancy stuff to have multiple IPs on Trashwall, but I’ll see if I can do it. Ideally everything will be natted via main IP except the Xbox 360 which will be binatted to a second IP to get around Xbox Live / NAT issues.


ODD SATA for Time Machine

Two SATA cables connected to the ODD SATA port in my Mac Pro, leading to external connectors fitted in a slot on the back of the case.

I’ve been having problems getting Time Machine to reliably back up to a 750 GB disk attached to my AirPort Extreme. Things will work great for a while, but then the backups will just start failing as if the .sparsebundle has become corrupt. This seems to happen if I sleep my machine while Time Machine is backing things up, wake it briefly, then sleep it again before TM completes. On the next backup things will simply fail and never work again.

This wouldn’t be so bad, except that since 10.5.5 or so this speedup for the initial Time Machine backup doesn’t seem to work any more. It’s almost as if Apple removed (or broke?) .sparsebundle TM support locally.

I decided that the best fix would be to sidestep the problem and just start doing Time Machine backups locally, but I’m out of disk slots in my Mac Pro. Wanting this done quickly (and as cheaply as possible) I ran over to Micro Center, picked up a plate for the back of the computer which adapts two internal SATA to eSATA ($7.99) and a cheap eSATA disk enclosure ($26.99). The adapter cables were fit to the ODD SATA ports in the Mac Pro, which are two unused SATA ports on the board apparently reserved for optical drive use.

Not having right angle connectors made this a tight fit, but everything set nicely in place once the connectors were seated. The plate was mounted in the unused second video card slot, 750GB disk (from the AirPort) fitted in the enclosure, and everything setup on a shiny new partition. Time Machine is now doing its thing, about 10% done in one hour, and hopefully it’ll all continue working.

I do not like this store, but it’s the only reasonably priced local computer parts shop. The whole building, customers, and staff all feel as sleezey as what one would find at Gibralter Trade Center. Sales staff that can regularly be overheard selling products based on the wrong information, commission sales, and returned / defective products sold as ‘refurbished’. Think Fry’s with a layer of skin oil on it, like an old keyboard.

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