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Today while making dinner I screwed up, didn’t latch one of the side tables on the BBQ correctly, and sent a plate and pretzel roll crashing to the ground. It appears that it held briefly, but a slight jostling when I lifted the lid sent the plate on its way to doom. I’m probably going to try and find some more on eBay, but I need to be sure that they are of the Pfaltzgraff USA vintage so that the patterns match exactly. It appears that the brand was sold in 2005 and after that made in China. I’ve found that the new Chinese-made patterns don’t quite match the old designs (less defined geometric shapes, for example, in modern versions of the Midnight Sun pattern that I have) and want to be sure I get the old USA versions. There are a number of these plates on eBay right now, so I’m waiting for a response about the origin of manufacture and if they are the USA versions I’m hoping to buy a four or eight of them.
Earlier today I headed out to Trail’s Edge to check out the Mega Sale and help if I could, but with plenty of help on hand I ended up heading over to Maybury State Park to ride the mountain bike trails there with Carlos (previously pictured here). I’d only been there once before, back on Easter Monday of last year with Bob and Jon, and I was looking forward to checking it out again. This park is on the grounds of the Maybury Sanatorium, an old tuberculosis sanatorium and has this nifty sign over the entrance. Throughout its life it was known first as Detroit Municipal Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Spring Hill Sanatorium, and then Maybury Sanatorium. If you are interested in the history of this place, be sure to check out the Maybury Sanatorium website as it contains a whole bunch of great historical info about the place.
Despite the nice area today’s ride didn’t go quite as well as it could have. After really pushing myself on the three laps of yesterday’s race my legs were quite wobbly and telling me that I should take it easy and head back to the car. So, after one lap Carlos and I bid each other farewell and I headed back to the car while he headed off back on to the trail. Ah well, a day of rest should do me well.
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