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RSS Graffiti Test Post

For years I’ve been hesitant to use Facebook too much, instead opting to post everything to, with article-length content going in a wiki, photos going in the photo gallery, and blog posts going here at the blog. Since Facebook has picked up steam, is going to be around for a while, and is the de facto non-geek online identify, I figure I should start using it more.

To continue centrally publishing content but allowing it to be available in Facebook I’ve enabled the RSS Graffiti application, set it to pick up blog‘s RSS feed, and let it do its thing. This is my first post after enabling this and thus a joint test / welcome-to-me-actually-posting-stuff-on-Facebook.

UPDATE: I’ve opted to not use RSS Graffiti and instead allow Facebook’s Notes application to import RSS feeds. Hopefully this will work better.

UPDATE 2: Damn you for being broken, Facebook! Notes consistently returns an error saying that it’s failed saying that there is a problem which is being worked on.

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