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lighttpd on

Instead of fighting with traffic I decided to sit around for a while after work and add to the article I’ve been working on about the lighttpd configuration on I’ve really begun to like lighttpd, despite it’s few quirks and limitations.

Articles covering the configuration of lighttpd are easy to come by, so I wanted to detail how I have put together lighttpd, php-cgi (as a FastCGI), cronolog, and some custom configuration to make a web server which runs PHP apps under the UID which owns each vhost, rotates logs out automatically, and generally performs quite well. With this configuration I’ve been able to withstand both individual sites being compromised and unexpectedly high loads.

So, if you want to read more about it, here you go: lighttpd

If you would like to read a bit about the server behind, you’ll want to look at this article. Note that the configuration detailed there will be changing as soon as I migrate from to the much more powerful

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Bloomer Park Trails

Part of the ridge trail at Bloomer, which I was too afraid to ride down. I ended up walking most of this.

Tonight was the regular Wednesday Night Group Ride at Stony Creek, but instead of the normal 6:30pm meeting time I met up with some others at 5pm and headed over to do a lap at Bloomer. Except for not knowing my way around and getting lost a few times I had no problem with most of the riding, except for what is known as the Ridge Trail.

That up there is part of the Ridge Trail, which seems to be a bunch of very narrow, winding, tight, bench cut trail down a ridge. Looking down on it I felt quite intimidated and didn’t want to risk falling. I ended up telling everyone else to go on ahead and walking down, then riding the last bit of it. These trails were making me wish that I had hydraulic brakes, because it seems to be a bit difficult to apply my front brake light enough to keep from locking the wheel, but heavy enough to keep speed under control. Rear brakes are almost useless here because of the incline.

Later on while at the top of a section called The Snake, on a particularly steep / tight right hand turn I fell and just happened to land knee first on a rock. I wasn’t able to stand for a minute or so, then had to walk my bike up to the top of the hill and just stand there for a while. I ended up cutting my knee and bleeding quite a bit, but the part that actually hurts is my knee cap itself. It’s already feeling better, so I imagine in a few more days it’ll be just fine. That’s part of riding a bike off road, though, eh?

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Stone Bitter Chocolate Oatmeal Stout

A bottle of Stone's Bitter Chocolate Oatmeal Stout.

I posted this photo instead of the one of the beer poured into the glass because this shows off the logo better. That said, this beer is excellent. Nice and bitter while still rich and oatmeal-y / chocolate-y / all the good things about stouts of this kind.

Also, I’ve been up since 3am. I had my alarm set for 4am, but at 3 I had to use the bathroom, then after that I just laid in bed awake. Today’s work required me to be downtown at a particularly early time, but at least I got to watch the sun rise from a nicely expansive office in a very (well, relatively, given the city) tall building.

After work I was able to get out to Stony Creek and ride around on the trails. I ended up meeting up with someone I’d previously met at the Wednesday night group rides, and he and I rode around a bit before he headed back to his car. I was both riding hard and feeling tired, so I ended up having a couple accidents.

The first one involved hitting the little finger on my left hand on a tree and cutting the knuckle. In the second I tried to go over a new log pile, but for some reason I almost went over the bars and ended up rolling on mostly the front wheel into the tree right after it, with my bike hitting the handlebars and stopping, while I hit the tree with my left pectoralis. Thankfully nothing was hurt, it was just a bit of a shock.

In the third crash I was going fast (27MPH or so, per the max speed stuff on the computer) down a steep, long, somewhat winding hill. At the bottom I had to turn, but when I went to turn left both of my wheels started slipping, so instead of turning I just rotated and somewhat laid the bike down and slid to a stop. It was an interesting fall, and I scraped my knee up a bit, but nothing bad. Some guy came up and asked if I was all right, then said that it looked like I fell right and would have been fine, but he wanted to be sure. It was generally fun, and I need to be sure to fall that way in the future.

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Century on a Bike

So, I’m likely going to have some time off of work soon. During this time I think I’d like to try and ride 100 miles in a day. I’m curious, though… Are these 100 miles typically done in one go, or is a break (say, for dinner) acceptable?

I’m thinking that I could probably do a ride up to Lake Orion, back by my house, then out to Metro Beach and back in a day if I’ve had a couple lengthy warm-up rides in the week prior. This should, if I’m thinking right, put me at just about 90 miles. It would not be difficult to tack on another 10 after that.

With my house being in the middle, it’d be a convenient place for me to stop and consume a large pile of food before heading back out. Is this what typically considered acceptable?

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Bike Photography and GPS Fixin’

Yesterday I headed out to the grand opening of the Skills Park at Stony Creek Metropark. I’d intended to ride a bit, but I ended up spending most of my time there just taking photographs like the one above. (That one was taken by sitting under the gap in the Flo the Fro stunt and using the Peleng 8mm fisheye. If you’d like to see more of the photos, take a look at the album entitled Stony Creek Skills Park Grand Opening.

After getting home and meeting up with Danielle we went and got food, swung by my work to pick something up, went to Best Buy to grab a pack of universal screen protectors for my new phone (eek, expensive!), then I came back here and fixed the Garmin Edge 305 I’d previously mentioned. My first attempt was to bridge the connector PCB to the main one with wires, but there wasn’t quite enough room for them. Instead I just ran the battery pack wires directly to the related test points on the main board then sealed the thing up with hot melt glue.

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Snip Snip Snip

The cheap Fiskars pruning shears which I used to trim back a bunch of growth on the single track at Stony Creek.

Today I decided to head out to Stony Creek and do some more bike riding, but also take along my pruning shears so I could cut back some of the vine / bramble overgrowth on the single track which catches on clothing and slaps people in the face. Two or three hours were spend riding around, stopping, cutting, then moving on to the next bit.

There’s a particular part right near the top of The Snake, a winding generally uphill climb where one has to go next to / under a very large shrub which is overgrown enough that I had to lean far forward in order to keep from hitting / scraping my head on the woody growth and its occasional, large thorns. I cleared a nice passageway through this, and on a test ride back through the area I didn’t notice the area I’d trimmed, but I did notice that I no longer risked hitting my head.

I didn’t do any trimming in the last half (aka back nine / final third) of The Rollercoaster because I normally find that area too fast to easily stop on my bike and go back to cut things, so I think I’ll try and head out there another day on foot to trim it.

Other than the cutting it was a long (18.4 miles), but uneventful ride. I came across quite a few people going the wrong way on single track without helmets, friendly hikers, and someone who shouted at me for going the wrong way because I’d parked my bike facing up the trail (although off to the side) while trimming an area in The Pines.

Oh, I also need to remember to lubricate those shears. The whole time I was cutting they were making an awful squweeCHIRP sound. That’ll happen after a shower and before I do the electronics work discussed yesterday. I’m stinky enough that it’ll likely corrode the solder.

Here’s the photos I took today. Unfortunately I didn’t think to take a before / after of some of the more overgrown areas which were cut back:

· The cheap Fiskars pruning shears which I used to trim back a bunch of growth on the single track at Stony Creek.
· Grown crystals of salt (and other things) on my CamelBak.
· A sign indicating that the skills park at Stony Creek is closed. Its grand opening is tomorrow, 17-Aug-2008.
· The stone table in an Asian style in with the Sheldon Estate in Stony Creek Metropark.
· The Sheldon’s old tennis court, now filled in with plants. This is right behind the stone alter.
· In Stony Creek, looking through the rows of trees at the stone alter near where the Sheldon Estate was.

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Crooked Tree

Another (quite blurry) view of my bike leaning against the crooked tree on The Snake at Stony Creek.

I really like riding past this tree on the portion of the mountain bike trails known as The Snake at Stony Creek Metropark. This tree keeps leaning further and further over, and I imagine that soon it’ll actually fall and make for a log to be crossed. There’s something I really like about coming around that corner and having to lean under it.

Yes, I know the photo is really blurry. Sorry, it was getting dark and 1/7th of a second is hard to hand hold, especially after climbing a bunch of grinding hills. Here is a clearer photo of the same tree and my bike, but from an angle which doesn’t show the tree and trail as well. Also, a few more biking photos have been posted to my catch-all biking around local places album, if you’d like to see them.

Next time I’m out I’ll try and take a picture of the corner at the top of The Snake which I previously couldn’t make it past, but was able to easily ride through twice (out of two attempts) tonight.

A friend of mine is having problems with his Garmin Edge 305 GPS. He’s reported that it will periodically turn off while riding, which seems to be attributable to the battery contacts in it losing contact briefly, so he asked if I’d take a look at it. It seems that the unit has a set of pressure contacts which connect the battery, speaker, and USB connector to the main board, held in place when the unit is glued shut. This set of flexible pins has to make contact with this PCB while the whole unit is mounted on a bicycle bouncing down rocky and rooty trails.

I think that to fix this I’m going to fit two wires for power from the non-contact part of the pads on the back panel to test points on the main PCB. This should ensure that the power connectors are always good. USB and speaker probably aren’t as critical, and I don’t want to try and cram too many wires into a housing not designed for them. I’ll give this a go tomorrow as tonight I’m relaxing.

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Nokia E51 Fr1st Post

The first image taken with my new phone, a Nokia E51.

My new phone, a Nokia E51 arrived yesterday, but due to some issues at work I didn’t have enough time last night to open the box.

Tonight I did so, took some photos (to be posted later) and dropped my SIM into the phone and tried it out. So far, it’s great. The casing is nice, it’s reasonably sized, the buttons feel good, and the camera works great. The image above is scaled down to the same resolution as my old phone did natively.

If you’d like to see the full-res image it’s here, while this page contains the resized version. Note the EXIF header, which has been confirmed by jhead and will make sorting images captured for my moblog album much easier:

c0nsumer@reason:/Volumes/MMC/Images> jhead 14082008.jpg
File name : 14082008.jpg
File size : 310470 bytes
File date : 2008:08:15 01:58:28
Camera make : Nokia
Camera model : E51
Date/Time : 2008:08:14 21:47:38
Resolution : 1600 x 1200
Flash used : No
Focal length : 4.9mm
Aperture : f/3.2
Whitebalance : Auto


Now it’s time to relax, particularly after this last week of work. Hmm, maybe more poking with the phone, though… It’s nice to see OBEX working via Bluetooth.

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New Phone Ordered

I’ve brought up the possibility of acquiring an iPhone a couple times previously. While I still feel they are really nifty devices I’ve decided to instead replace my failing and almost four year old Nokia 6600 with an unlocked Nokia E51 purchased from Amazon for $249.99.

I currently have T-Mobile service, out of contact, with me paying around $40/mo for 600 anytime and unlimited night and weekend minutes. This price is right in line with other contract-based deals, but is without the contract restrictions. I should just be able to drop the SIM from my 6600 into the E51 and have it work. If I were to purchase an iPhone I would have to sign on with AT&T for ~$70/mo (plus taxes and fees) for the next two years after spending $300 on the phone. This is lots cheaper and should still meet all my phone wants and needs.

The E51 has received good reviews, and seems to be a descendant of the 6600. Beyond the basic modern phone stuff it has/is:

· (Supposedly) supported by iSync.
· 2 megapixel camera.
· 802.11b/g with VoIP (SIP endpoint, I believe) support for on WLAN.
· Browser / email client / multi-platform IM client and some office-type apps.
· Metal case.

It seems like it’ll be a pretty nice phone. I find it strange that none of the US providers offer this as a bundled / packaged phone but that might be because it’s a basic office-type phone without full keyboard, shiny (and very profitable) media service tie-ins, or a particularly shiny UI. I anticipate it’ll just be a decent, usable smartphone without being overly large or expensive.

I hope I can use the VoIP (SIP?) client, but I think I might have to talk with about that, as he both knows scary amounts of telephony stuff and can provide such a service.

If you’d like to read more about the Nokia E51, here is its page at Nokia’s US site.

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Dogfish Head Exclamation Mark Cap / Niner YAWYD

Looking down on the stem, Niner YAWYD top cap, and Dogfish Head exclamation mark bottle cap on my bike after fitting the cap. Once I get a less worn cap I may change it out.

After fitting the Niner YAWYD last night and drinking the 120 Minute IPA at IPM I had a nice yellow Dogfish Head exclamation mark cap for my bike. It is a bit more worn than I would like, but it was the best looking bottle I could find yesterday.

After test fitting the cap on the Niner YAWYD I carefully bent the crimped edges of the crown in a bit further then snapped it back on. It works pretty well as can be seen above or here with the cap staying nicely in place.

Being yellow the cap is the most obvious thing on my bike. I was originally hoping to get a nice black cap with the Jolly Pumpkin logo on it, but it turns out that all of their caps are plain ones. Oh well. There is something nifty about a warning sign on a bike, though…

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