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Salad: The Hard Way

There. Two rows of lettuce seeds have now been planted: Mereveille des Quatre Saisons and Forellenschuss. Danielle acquired both of these seed packs from Seed Savers Exchangeand had enough spare that I was able to plant some.

Per directions they were sowed 1/4″ deep and about 1″ apart, then after they sprout I’ll be thinning them to 8″ apart, as I want looseleaf lettuce. If I were growing them as heads, which isn’t really possible in that planter, they would be thinned to 12″ apart.

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Park Tool SW-20 vs. SW-40

Back when replacing the nipples on my rear wheel I found that the Park Tool SW-40 Four-Sided Spoke Wrench (on the right above) didn’t work well. Because of the orientation of the hole through which the nipple and spoke pass, if the spoke came off of the nipple at a particular angle it would jam against the vinyl grip, wedging the tool on the nipple. I emailed Park Tool about this and they indicated that some of the SW-40 wrenches were made wrong, and that they would send a replacement.

Well, a week and a half later I received the replacement, a Park Tool SW-20 Master Mechanic Spoke Wrench. As seen on the left above, this is a solid metal wrench with lots of space both around the part which grips the nipple, and plenty of place to hold when turning the wrench. It worked out very well when rebuilding my front wheel today. I also used a recently purchased WAG-3 (used) and TM-1, which all worked out quite well. Hopefully I’ll be able to get a test ride in tomorrow, just to be sure there aren’t any problems before heading out to some single track on Monday.

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Enduro 7901 RS2 MAX in Surly New Hub

Ever since getting the Bianchi D.I.S.S. I’d noticed an odd rumble from the rear hub, so I’d been wanting to rebuild it. When my friend Erik placed an order with Enduro Fork Seals for some bottom bracket parts, he also grabbed a pair of 7901 RS2 MAX bearings for me, which are what Surly specifies as being required in their “New” hubs.

This is an angular contact bearing which must be fitted in a particular manner. Thankfully Surly has this document about the hubs which indicates that the black seal must go outside.

When I pulled the hub apart at first, I found that it actually had 6901 bearings in it, which means that it had at one point been rebuilt, but with the wrong part. These bearings are the same size, but being a regular bearing they probably wore rather quickly. Thankfully it didn’t take much effort to tap out the old ones, clean the parts, then reassemble and readjust everything.

I think that now I’ll go for a ride and explore a local area which I suspect to contain some dirt jumps. I’m not interested in riding them, but I would like to see what’s back in the interesting looking area. I’ll use this ride to be sure the bearings are fine, and keep thinking about whether or not I should sell this bike. Single speed is really fun, but my knees seem to ache a bit after riding hard. I’m not yet sure if this is needing to build up my legs some more, or something more damaging, and risking one’s knees for a couple of years of fun riding isn’t worth it.

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Second Place, Twice

That was me, last week, at the Lake Orion High School Dragon GAP mountain bike race, taken by someone from the Cannondale Midwest team. I did the race again today and received another second place medal, beaten out by someone who runs a mountain bike program for kids at a local middle school.

Today I did the ride on my Specialized geared / multi-speed bike, which was probably a good thing as the course took a different route which included some very soft, freshly cut trail that I had to slowly grind through. Even though it was quite a bit more difficult than last time, my time was a bit faster than the last time. I guess that’s what happens when one doesn’t get lost, eh?

If you’re interested Here’s a photo of the two second place medals I received on the number plates, and here’s one of Doug (black2003ss), Bob (utabintarbo), and I after receiving medals for our various places in the two beginner / citizen classes (35 and under, and 36 and over). This really is a nifty race. It’s short, difficult, fun, and the entry fees go towards some nice after school programs.

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South Park Trails

After work today I met up with Kristi, Marty, Nick, and (unexpectedly) Jon for a ride around Stony Creek. We first headed over to the new South Park Trails (map photo) which have been put in around the Skills Park. That photo up above was taken in one part of the South Park Trails where there happen to be some really beautiful CCC-ish red pine stands.

This new section of trail was very recently cut and thus has a mixture of small stick-like stumps and larger stumps, but it’s becoming rather firm and is really fun to ride. Most of it is up and down, curving double-track like the easy tracks in the other mountain biking area, but there are definitely some challenging climbs and fun, flowing descents. I’m really looking forward to riding this again, and particularly once all the stumps have been removed.

The rest of the ride was uneventful, but fun. We made a run through The Roller Coaster, and found that the newly cut parts of it are becoming particularly great. The trails are coming along very nicely, and are a whole bunch of fun to ride.

(Unfortunately, because of the high speed burst mode of the camera the quality is a bit crap, but it’s still quite a nice area. I really should take my good camera out there. Maybe one day when there is a race…)

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For Sale: Metal Masters Mfg. Table and Chair Set

For Sale, US$500: One antique, Detroit-made table and chair set from Metal Masters Mfg. This is a set of four chrome and vinyl chairs and a sliding leaf table in excellent condition. I’d acquired this from my grandparents back in 2001 and used it briefly before putting it in the basement for storage.

This set is available for pickup at my house in Shelby Township (ZIP code 48315). The legs detach from the table with minimal effort, making it possible to transport in a small car.

UPDATE: This set is no longer for sale. Sorry.


Generic Ride Home

After this morning’s commute by bicycle I had to ride home. This was a relatively uneventful, and only a couple of people got directly in my way, and no one almost hit me. I also stopped behind my Dad’s plant, which is along the Clinton River Trail, and he was able to come out and say hi for a few minutes. He warned me that the rain was coming a bit quicker than I’d expected, so after that I hurried home. It’s a good thing too, because light rain started about a mile and a half away from home, and within five minutes of getting in the garage an actual downpour began.

Now, time for dinner.

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Commuting By Bicycle

This morning I commuted to work by bicycle and everything went great, except for my forgetting my ID badge. It’s not a terrible task to get into the campus or buildings without my badge, but getting all the places inside of there which I need to go will make it a great hassle.

The ride itself went rather well. I left at just about 7am. The sun had been up for a bit over 45 minutes, weather was great, westbound travel meant no sun in my eyes, no cars almost hit me, and one person even specifically stopped for me while I waited at a crosswalk along the Clinton River Trail. With how few cars were out when I left, I can’t help but believe that early morning rides are simply better and safer traffic-wise.

Yesterday I left some food (leftover Thai), a change of clothes, and my laptop at work, which meant that I didn’t have to carry much on my bike and could just duck into the bathroom to change. This worked well, but if I commuted on a more regular basis I’d prefer to carry clothes and food with me and possibly change in a conference room or unused office, as there’s something nice about not standing on a bathroom floor. I’ll also have to come back this weekend to pick up stuff if I’m want it before Monday. Unless I’m already out this way for other reasons it eliminates any cost savings / benefit gathered from cycling to work.

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My First Mountain Bike Race

The Lake Orion High School Guided Activities Program runs a few mountain bike races each year on the trails and in the woods behind the school. I’d already packed my car with the single speed and riding clothes, when my friend Bob convinced me to give the races a go, I did. I thought the single speed would be a bit challenging, but the trail flowed nicely and there were only two places where I had to walk.

This was a relatively short, but nicely challenging course, winding through all manner of terrain on both the school grounds and a bit of Bald Mountain Recreation Area. There were a couple very tough hill climbs, tight / technical single track, bumpy grass lands, and fun and fast downhill stuff.

Before the race we were all given placards, with white being Beginner (like me), blue being the Sport class, and Yellow/Gold as Elite. We were also told that there would be periodic signs directing people to different routes based on the varying skill levels. Unfortunately, the first sign which said to turn left was in yellow/gold, so myself and another large group of people ignored it and went straight. It was only after we realized that what we were riding through was a bit more than one would likely route for a race that we backtracked. This was about 10 minutes out of our way, through a whole bunch of mud, and over some fallen trees.

Even with this extra detour I ended up coming in second (getting a rather nice little medal), out of at least three, but … well… I’m not sure how many people. There’s another one of these races next week, with a rain date of the following Tuesday, so hopefully I’ll be able to make it out for that as well. This was a nice, fun, well-run event that felt casual enough to be purely enjoyable, and I guess that’s how they typically go.

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Sticky Dog Poop

Normally I would have an image here, but the SnapPhoto app for Android is once again failing and the images have come out corrupt. So instead I’ll tell you about what I had to deal with earlier today: dog poop on my bike tire.

When riding into the Stony Creek trails tonight I was rather close behind someone and didn’t notice a pile of very fresh dog poop until it was too late. That is, right as my front wheel was about to hit it. After I hit it there were two large lumps sticking off the side of the tire, showing just how sticky said poop is. I then had to scrape it off (as best as I could) with a stick, before riding up to the top of the nearest hill to meet up with the group.

Once at the top of the hill the corrupt photos were taken, one showing me giving a thumb’s up next to the tire, and another showing a close-up of the tire. I then had to scrape the tire more on the grass and dirt, which (somehow) resulted in dog poop getting on my hand and glove. Riding after that point was also a bit more interesting, because until most of it was worn off I had to go slow enough that it didn’t fling up into my face.

I intend to ride after work tomorrow as well, so I’ll have to wait a day before washing the bike and removing the last bits of poo from the wheel and down tube. Oh well. After that comes a day of storms (Wednesday), paved ride on the other bike (Thursday), and then hopefully a commute to work (Friday) on the other bike.

If you’d like to take a stab at the corrupt JPEGs, they are here: 20090511185103.jpg · 20090511185118.jpg. The issue seems to occur mostly after the app has been running in the background for a few days, as a reboot of the phone seems to make the problem go away. I’ve upgraded to the for-pay, $0.99 Snap Photo Pro app. Hopefully it doesn’t continue to have the same problem.

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