After lots of years of using different photo organization packages, from the lovely (but expensive) Lightroom Classic to ACDSee Photo Studio, from Gallery to various manual things, I’ve mostly settled on Apple Photos on macOS. Despite a few wrinkles† it seems to work well, handles pretty much every format under the sun, does the basic editing tasks that I use, and is sufficiently widely used to have good community support.
Because I use an Android phone and eschew public cloud provider backups there’s was no clear path for automatically importing importing the pictures I take to Apple Photos. But, it’s possible, and this writeup is to show shows the toolchain I use to do it.
The end result is that whenever I’m home I take a photo and it almost immediately appears in Photos. Or when I’m away and get back home, they automatically sync. Or if I am away for a while and want to sync my photos, I can VPN to home and sync. (I could make it sync from anywhere automatically, but I don’t yet because it gets really complicated when potentially uploading large amounts of data on mobile data, often in areas of poor connectivity.)
What I settled on was using FolderSync on Android to send the photos to a temporary (Inbox) folder on my NAS via SFTP. I then have Hazel watch this folder for newly arrived files, import them to Apple Photos, adding to a New Photos album, and finally putting a copy of the original in an archive folder.
Here’s how I configured this:
NAS / macOS
Due to the number of different NAS’ out there configuration of them is beyond the scope of this post, but in general what you need is a SFTP destination that’s accessible via your local network. I also then have the same area available via SMB to my Mac, and this share mapped automatically at login.
On here I’ve created two directories .../Pixel Backup/Sync Inbox/Camera which is the inbox for photos from the phone and .../Pixel Backup/Archive/Camera as a final, archival resting place for outside of what gets imported into Apple Photos, as a just-in-case backup.
(Using a separate folder for a new photo inbox radically improves performance of Hazel, because it then doesn’t have to watch a ~26GB / ~6000 file directory for changes.)
Create a folderPair (v2) to back up /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/ (Left account) to /Share/Pixel Backup/Inbox/Camera on my NAS via SFTP (Right account).
Under Scheduling, set a schedule for every 30 minutes, with Use WiFi checked, and limited to my home network under Allowed WiFi names. Under Sync options, check Instant sync and Only resync source files if modified (ignore target deletion).
The result of this is that when I’m home, within seconds of taking a photo, it appears on my NAS in .../Pixel Backup/Sync Inbox/Camera. Or when I’m away and take photos they’ll back up within 30 minutes of getting home.
(Yes, it’s possible to have FolderSync use SMB, but I prefer SFTP, so that’s how I set it up.)
Create a Hazel rule to watch .../Pixel Backup/Sync Inbox/Camera for new files and import them into Photos:
If All of the following conditions are met
Extensionis nottacitpart Name does not start with.pending
Do the following to the matched file or folder: Import into Photos to album: New Photos Move to folder: Camera
Files that are incompletely transferred (in flight or had an error) will have a .tacitpart extension if sync’d with a v1 folderPair, or will begin with .pending if a v2. This rule ensures that only complete files are processed, imports them into a new album called New Photos, and then moves them to .../Pixel Backup/Archive/Camera.
This happens pretty much immediately, with the photo appearing in Apple Photos within a few seconds of taking it.
(Note: I tried syncing photos into a single folder and having Hazel watch that for changes, but performance was very poor. I’m unsure of whether this was caused by using it over a network, it’s size, or the number of files to be parsed, although based on Hazel’s performace on a very full Download folder I suspect the latter. I didn’t bother to investigate further, as using the Sync Inbox architecture works out better, and makes it easier to troubleshoot and recover if something goes awry.)
Apple Photos
Apple Photos has a library containing all images, and these images may or may not be assigned to one or more albums.
My preferred workflow is to have individual albums for select projects, trips, or whatnot, and all other mobile phone images in a general Mobile Photos album. To facilitate this, Hazel puts all new photos from my phone into a New Photos album. I then periodically look at this album, sort the photos into the desired other albums, and then remove them from this album. (Or, sometimes, delete them entirely.)
While I could have everything just go into the main pool of photos, they are somewhat unsorted, and dependent on metadata or parsing of the image content itself for sorting For personal reasons I like to have each photos in an album of some sort, and I find that this inbox of sorts best matches how I like to manage my photos.
But the best thing is that photos I take using my phone while working on projects at home are immediately available in Photos and then backed up. And those taken while away get uploaded immediately upon returning or by connecting to VPN and telling FolderSync to sync immediately, “…on any available network connection”.
That’s It!
And, that’s that. I take photos on my phone, they automatically appear in Photos and get archived on my NAS, and then backed up. Effective, yet simple to use.
For what it’s worth, I also have some other sync tasks in FolderSync and Hazel to handle screenshots, images attached to or saved from messages (SMS, Google Chat, Facebook Messenger, Signal, etc), but it’s all done with similar flows to what’s above, so I’m not going to document them separately.
† The biggest issue I’m currently experiencing with Photos is that the Memories, Trips, and Featured Photos sections just don’t work. All of these indicate that I need to add more photos, but I’ve got some 64,000 photos spanning 20+ years of EXIF dates and locations, and the People & Pets, Map, Handwriting, and Illustration sections/detections work fine, so I don’t think it’s an issue with quantity nor the ability to parse the photos.
The biggest current clue is that my photo library on an external drive, and Photos reports that This library isn’t searchable in spotlight due to its location. I sense this may be due to a Spotlight indexing issue on the external drive, but mdutil reports indexing is enabled, so I’m not (yet) sure where the issue actually lies… This is something to dig into later.
I’ve been using, and liking the ZSE44 Temperature | Humidity XS Sensor, with one in the attic and another in the back yard. It seems to work well, has a long battery life, and works great at pretty-far distances. But today I ran into an interesting quirk: it will not report negative numbers.
We’ve had a hefty cold snap here in Southeast Michigan, and last night the lows were well below 0°F, but I noticed that Home Assistant (see screenshot above) flatlined at 0°F for the back yard temperature.
I ended up asking ZOOZ customer service about this, and I was told it’s not designed for freezing temperatures, and thus won’t report negative numbers. So even though it’s working well at quite-below freezing temps, has been for the last week, and is even working fine now at ~4°F (reporting strong battery and active communication), a firmware limitation keeps it from telling me the actual temperature.
So, regardless of whether you have it set to Celsius or Fahrenheit, 0° in that scale is the lowest it reports. If you are using one of these in Celsius mode, you can get a bit more range by setting it to Fahrenheit and converting the value, but it only goes so far. (And yes, I tested the inverse by switching the ZSE44 to Celsius mode and saw that Home Assistant wouldn’t show below the converted 32°F.)
I’m a little irritated by this, but as it’s rarely this cold here, and the sensor otherwise works fine, I’m not planning to replace it. It’d just be nice to know the actual temperature outside via this sensor. The technical specs say it only works for 40°F to 90°F, but with it in the shade on our back fence or in the attic I’ve seen accurate values well beyond that.
The ZSE44 uses a SHTC3 [link mine] digital humidity and temperature sensor. The sensor covers a humidity measurement range of 0 to 100% RH and temperature measurements range of -40 C to 125 C.
While emailing back and forth with ZOOZ support, and their support person claiming the limit is because of the components, and they aren’t open to changing the firmware because that’d put it outside of specs, I did some digging to validate their claims. It turns out:
So between the range for the sensor, the suggested batteries, and the Z-Wave chip, a range of -40°C to +60°C would be fully within spec for all components.
Thus, the currently stated limitation for the ZSE44 of 40°F to 90°F (~4°C to ~32°C) is radically narrower than what any of the individual components, including the Z-Wave chip and battery) are spec’d to operate at. And I’ve demonstrated that all the components work at a much wider range: typical lower Michigan weather.
This make me a bit more irked at the limitations of the firmware, but thankfully after a bit of email discussion this information was sent to their development team, so I’m hopeful they’ll recognize the disparity and correct things.
But for now, at least now I know what’s going on.
(I could probably go to a different temperature sensor type, but all the really wide range ones, such as are meant for monitoring chest freezers, aren’t Zigbee or Zwave, and I don’t really want to add another protocol to my Home Assistant setup… Maybe that’ll be a project for this summer. Maybe…)
I recently picked up a Bambu Lab P1S 3D Printer for around the house. After staying away from 3D printing for years, the combination of a friend’s experience with this printer (thanks, @make_with_jake!), holiday sales, looking for a hobby, wanting some one-off tools, and a handful of projects where it’d be useful finally got me to buy one. Having done half a dozen prints, thus far I’m pretty satisfied with the output and think it’ll be a nice addition to the house.
This printer, like many other modern devices, is an Internet of Things (IoT) device; something smart which uses a network to communicate. Unfortunately, these can come with a bunch of security risks, and is best isolated to a less-trusted place on a home network. In my case, a separate network,or VLAN, called IoT.
Beyond the typical good-practice of isolating IoT devices to a separate network, I’m also wary of cloud-connected devices because of the possibility of remote exploit or bugs. For example, back in 2023 Bambu Lab themselves had an issue which resulted in old print jobs being started on cloud-connected printers. Since these printers get hot and move without detecting if they are in a completely safe and ready-to-go state, this was bad. I’d rather avoid the chance of this. And really, when am I going to want to submit a print job from my phone or anywhere other than my home network?
Bambu Lab has a LAN Mode available for their printers which ostensibly disconnects it from the cloud, but unfortunately it still expects everything to be on the same network.
I was unable to find clear info on working around this in a simple fashion without extra utilities, but digging into and solving this kind of stuff is something I like to do. So this post documents how I put a Bambu Lab P1S on a separate VLAN from the house’s main network, getting it to work otherwise normally.
The network here uses OPNsense, a pretty typical open source firewall, so all the configuration mentioned revolves around it. pfSense is similar enough that everything likely applies there as well, and the basic technical info can also be used to make this work on numerous other firewalls.
As of this writing (2024-Dec-19), this works with Bambu Studio v1.10.1.50 and firmware v01.07.00.00 on the P1S printer. This also works with OrcaSlicerv2.2.0 and whatever version of the Bambu Network Plug-in it installs. I suspect this works for other Bambu Lab printers, as the P1S has all the same features as the higher end ones (eg: camera) but I can’t test to say for sure. Also, everything here covers the P1S running in LAN Mode. It’s possible that things would work differently with cloud connectivity, but I did not explore this. So, insert the standard disclaimer here about past performance and future results…
Why can’t I just point the software at the printer?
Subnet binding support: Users can now bind printers across different subnets by directly entering the printer’s IP address and Access Code
This sounds like it’d solve the problem, and is a typical way for printers to work, but no… it just doesn’t work.
Despite having the required Studio and printer firmware versions I just couldn’t make it work. When trying this feature I’d see Bambu Studio trying to connect to the printer on 3002/tcp, but the printer would only respond with a RST as if that port wasn’t listening. Something’s broken with this feature, probably in the printer firmware. Maybe this’ll work in the future, but for now we needed another way…
Atypical SSDP?
On a single network the printer sends out Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP)-ish messages detailing its specs, Studio receives these and lists the printer. But, SSDP is based on UDP broadcasts, so these don’t cross over to the other VLAN (subnet).
When Bambu Studio receives this packet it gets the address (Location:) of the printer from the Location section, connects, and all works. But in a multi-VLAN environment we have different networks and different broadcast domains and a firewall in between, so we need two things to work around this: getting the SSDP broadcasts shared across networks, and firewall rules to allow the requisite communication.
These also don’t seem to be normal SSDP packets, as they are sent to destination port 1910/udp or 2021/udp. It’s all just kinda weird… And this thread on the Bambu Lab Community Forum makes it seem even stranger and like it might vary between printer models?
Regardless, here’s how I made this work with the P1S.
Static IP
The P1S (and I presume other Bambu Lab printers) have very little on-device network configuration, receiving network addressing from DHCP. I suggest that you set a DHCP reservation for your printer so that it always receives the same (static) IP address. This will make firewall rules much easier to manage.
SSDP Broadcast Relay
To get the SSDP broadcasts passed between VLANs a bridge or relay is needed, and marjohn56/udpbroadcastrelay works great. This is available as a plugin in OPNsense under System → Firmware → Plugins → os-udpbroadcastrelay, is also available in pfSense, or could be run standalone if you use something else.
After installing, on OPNsense go to Services → UDP Broadcast Relay and create a new entry with the following settings:
enabled: ✓
Relay Port: 2021
Relay Interfaces: IoT, LAN (Choose each network you wish to bridge the printer between.)
Broadcast Address:
Source Address: (This uses a special handler to ensure the packet reaches Studio in the expected form.)
Instance ID: 1 (or higher, if you have more rules)
Description: Bambu Lab Printer Discovery
On my OPNsense firewall, where igb1_vlan2 is my IoT network and igb1 is my LAN network, the running process looks like: /usr/local/sbin/udpbroadcastrelay --id 1 --dev igb1_vlan2 --dev igb1 --port 2021 --multicast -s -f
(Of course, in the event you have any firewall rules preventing packets from getting from the printer or IoT VLAN to the firewall itself — say if you completely isolate your IoT VLAN — you’ll need to allow those.)
Now when going into Bambu Studio under Devices then expanding Printers, the printer will show up. It may take a few moments as the printer to appear as the SSDP are only periodically sent, so be patient if it doesn’t appear immediately.
(Note that if other models of printers aren’t working, it may be useful to also relay port 1910. The P1S works fine with just 2021, so for now that’s all I’ve done.)
Firewall Rules
With Studio seeing the printer, and presuming that your regular and IoT VLANs are firewalled off from each other, rules need to be added to allow the printer to work. While Bambu Studio has a Printer Network Ports article, it seems wrong. I am able to print successfully without opening all the ports listed for LAN Mode, but I also needed to add one more that wasn’t listed: 2024/tcp.
Here’s everything I needed to allow from the regular VLAN to IoT VLAN to have Bambu Studio print to the P1S, along with what I believe each port to handle:
990/tcp (FTP)
2024/tcp to 2025/tcp (Unknown, but seems to be FTP?)
6000/tcp (LAN Mode Video)
8883/tcp (MQTT)
Nothing needs to be opened from the IoT VLAN, everything seems to be TCP and the stateful firewall seems to handle the return path. (Even though the Printer Network Ports article with it’s 50000~50100 range for LAN mode FTP implies active mode FTP…)
And with that, it just works. I can now have my Bambu Lab P1S on the isolated IoT VLAN from a client on the normal/regular/LAN VLAN, printer found via autodiscovery, with only the requisite ports opened up.
Missing Functionality? Leaky Data?
Note that there are a few functions — like browsing the contents of the SD card for timelapse videos or looking at the job history — which only work when connected to the cloud service. This really surprises me, as I can think of no rational reason why this data should need to be brokered by Bambu Lab.
Unless they want to snarf up the data about what you print and video of it happening and when and… and…?
Digging into that sounds worthy, but is a project for another time. It’s a pretty good reminder of why isolating IoT devices is good practice, though. For now I’ll just manually remove the SD card if I want access to these things. And consider if maybe I should completely isolate the printer from sending data out to the internet…
Big, big thanks to Rdiger-36/StudioBridge and very specifically the contents of This utility which helps find Bambu Lab printers cross-VLAN by generating an SSDP packet, and sending it to loopback, saved me a bunch of time in figuring out how Bambu Lab’s non-standard SSDP works.
All the discussion around issue #702, Add printer in LAN mode by IP address was incredibly helpful in understanding what was going on and why this printer didn’t seem to Just Work in a multi-VLAN environment. This thread, and watching what StudioBridge did, made understanding the discovery process pretty simple.
And as much as I dislike the AGPL in general, it worked out really well here. I wouldn’t expect a company like Bambu Lab to release their software so openly, but with the AGPL they had to. Slic3r begat PrusaSlicer which begat Bambu Studio which begat OrcaSlicer giving us a rich library of slicers…
2024-Dec-22: After this worked fine for a few days I ran into problems printing from OrcaSlicer where jobs wouldn’t send. Digging I found that 2025/tcp was needed as well, so I updated the article above. It seems this is another FTP port? It’d sure be nice if this was documented.
2025-Jan-10: I have further isolated the P1S by disallowing it access to the internet at all. Now, beyond having its SSDP requests forwarded to other VLANs, it’s wholly isolated to the IoT VLAN. This works great, and is basically a true LAN-only mode.
After getting the Onkyo RI support for ESPHome and Home Assistant in place, it was neat that I could turn my Onkyo A-9050 amplifier on and off remotely, but it wasn’t actually very useful; it didn’t save me any time/hassle. This iteration, adding HDMI-CEC support, brings it all together.
Back when I started this project, my main goal was to find a nice way to deal with toggling the power on the amplifier. Because I only use a single input on the amplifier and volume is already handled by the Apple TV remote, I don’t use the remote and it’s stored away in the basement. Normal practice was to manually press the power button on the front before using it, but this was irritating so I went looking for a better way, and the result was this project.
Initially I was looking at a way to use Home Assistant to coordinate powering the Apple TV and amplifier on, but it turns out there’s no good way to power up an Apple TV remotely; or at least not from anything that’s not an Apple device. I thought about going down the path of figuring out how the iOS / iPadOS does it, but the results of that would need to be incorporated into pyatv and chasing Apple’s changes was not a path I wanted to go down.
I then began thinking about it inversely: What if I could tell when the Apple TV woke and slept, and then take action based on that? After all, it’s already using the well-established Consumer Electronics Control (HDMI-CEC) to wake the TV… What if I could listen for that? And we’re always using the Apple TV remote when watching content and there’s no need to wake it while out of the room, so pressing a button on the remote to get things started is just fine.
Well, it turns out that was easier than I thought. Using Palakis/esphome-native-hdmi-cec, a HDMI-CEC component for ESPHome, and then doing a little protocol analysis I now have a device that:
Listens for the Apple TV to wake up and sends and sends a Power On to the receiver.
Listens for the Apple TV to go into standby and sends a Power Off to the receiver.
Sends events to Home Assistant whenever a broadcasted HDMI-CEC Standby (0x36) or Report Power Status (0x90) are received.
Exposes controls in Home Assistant for a variety of Onkyo remote control commands and broadcasting an HDMI-CEC Standby (0x36). The latter puts my TV and the Apple TV to sleep, and also gets heard by ESPHome (loopback) and results in the amplifier being powered off.
Exposes a service in Home Assistant allowing arbitrary HDMI-CEC commands to be sent.
The result is that when I press a button on the Apple TV remote to wake it up the amplifier powers on, the TV wakes up (as before), and all is ready to go with one button press. This satisfies my original goal, and also allows some lights to be turned on automatically.
I’ve still got some lingering architectural questions and may be digging further into the HDMI-CEC stuff to see if I can make it work better, but for now I’m happy. If/when I take this further, the big questions to answer are:
Currently ESPHome powers on the amplifier without Home Assistant. This feels rational for a device bridging the two protocols and makes the amplifier work more like a modern HDMI soundbar, but is it the best way to go? Running it all through HA would be a lot more complicated and network (and HA) dependent, but I could instead use the notification in HA trigger a Power On at the receiver. Are there ever situations where I’d want this device to not power on the amplifier?
The HDMI-CEC implementation is very simple, solely listening for two messages I saw the Apple TV send and taking action on them. One of these, Report Power Status, is per-spec used to send more than notifications of power being on. Should this be changed or further built out? (Note: Because the library doesn’t implement DDC for device discovery and addressing and such, it can’t be a full-fledged implementation. But that much is likely not needed; there’s more I can do.)
Is it possible to wake the Apple TV via HDMI-CEC? It’s not immediately obvious how, but perhaps with a bit of probing…?
Hardware-wise, this was simple to do. All it required was getting an HDMI connector (I used this one), connecting pin 13 (CEC) to a GPIO, pin 17 to ground, and pin 18 to 5v (VUSB) as per the readme at Palakis/esphome-native-hdmi-cec. Since CEC uses 3.3v there was no need for a level shifter as with Onkyo RI. I was able to add this on to the previous adapter without a problem and everything just worked.
With this ESPHome configuration I changed things around a bit, both to simplify and secure the device and make things better overall. As I learned more about ESPHome and started thinking about securing IoT devices, I wanted to minimize the ability to do OTA updates, including via the web UI, and access the API. I also wanted to pull credentials out of my .yaml file so I could more easily share it. Changes to support this, and some other nifty things, are:
Setting up a secrets.yaml to hold wifi_ssid, wifi_password, ota_password, and api_encryption_key.
Tip: All this involves is creating a secrets.yaml file in the same directory as the configuration .yaml and putting lines such as wifi_ssid: "IoT" or api_encryption_key: "YWwyaUNpc29vdGg3ZG9oazdvaGo2YWhtZWlOZ2llNGk=" in it. Then in the main .yaml reference this with ssid: !secret wifi_ssid or key: !secret api_encryption_key or so.
Generating an API key can easily be done with something like: echo -n `pwgen -n 32 1` | openssl base64
Note: Once this password is set, changing it can be a bit complicated (see ESPHome OTA Updates for more information). I suggest picking one password from the get-go and sticking with that.
Set name_add_mac_suffix: true to add the MAC address suffix to the device name. This makes it easier to use one config on multiple devices on the same network, such as when doing development work with multiple boards. (See Adding the MAC address as a suffix to the device name.)
# Add the HDMI-CEC stuff for ESPHome
- source: github://Palakis/esphome-hdmi-cec
# Add PR7117, which is my changes to add Onkyo RI. Had not been merged as of 2024-Sep-01.
- source: github://pr#7117
- remote_base
Despite stripping the configuration back a bit to secure it better, which in turn removes on-device overhead, I still have problems with the OTA update on the Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3. This is irritating because it means any changes require connecting a cable to flash it via USB, but I can also keep using the breadboarded SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus for any future development.
Note that this includes some development HDMI-CEC buttons, such as sending EF:90:00 and EF:90:01. This is part of some experimenting in attempts to wake up the Apple TV via CEC, but thus far doesn’t do anything. However, they serve as good examples of how to send multiple bytes to the bus. It also includes commented sections for the different ESP32 boards I’ve used and will likely need to be changed for your purposes.
Update on November 2, 2024
After using this for a while I ran into a couple quirks, so I’ve some updates to both the device config and ensuring it builds under the current dev version (ESPHome 2024.11.0-dev, as of about 10am EDT on 2024-Nov-02). Unfortunately this hasn’t solved the problem of uploading a new version via OTA on the Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3.
The main changes here are the ESPHome device no longer takes action based on the received HDMI-CEC commands (via Onkyo RI), and I cleaned up and clarified the events. There are three distinct events that can be acted upon:
HDMI-CEC: Report Power Status: On: Something reported its power status as On.
HDMI-CEC: Report Power Status: Standby: Something reported it’s power status as Standby.
HDMI-CEC: Standby Command: Something sent a Standby command.
I now use Home Assist to trigger on HDMI-CEC: Report Power Status: On and turn on some lights and press Onkyo RI: On button, turning the amplifier on. For shutting things down I trigger on HDMI-CEC: Report Power Status: Standby and turn the amplifier and lights off. This is more dependent on HA, but it also gives me more flexibility.
(I’ve not (yet) started looking into waking the Apple TV via HDMI-CEC.)
Our living room has a very simple setup: a non-networked TV, an Apple TV, and an older Onkyo A-9050 amplifier that drives two small speakers and a subwoofer. It’s a great sounding yet simple setup for two channel audio, perfect for the basic streaming video watching we do.
Being older the amplifier doesn’t have any of the modern (eg: HDMI CEC) mechanisms for controlling it, but it does have a 3.5mm tip sleeve input on the back for Onkyo RI. This old, proprietary system uses a wired connection creating a bus that allows different Onkyo components to be controlled from one central component and thus one IR remote control.
This protocol is well documented, both via the LIRC project and some other sites (ref: LIRC documentation, Onkyo RI Protocol, docbender/Onkyo-RI) so this got me thinking it’d be pretty easy to implement in ESPHome and thus make the receiver controllable from Home Assistant. While this is only one-way control (since it’s basically a wired version of an IR remote), it would still allow for remote power on/off, input changing, etc.
After a few false starts, it turns out it was easy. Thanks to some pointers from folks in the ESPHome Discord I realized the best way was adding support for the protocol to the existing Remote Transmitter integration. Since this integration already had other protocols which used similarly timed protocols it was pretty easy for me to add Onkyo RI by copying the structure from another and modifying it for this protocol. (For reference, it’s not standard serial and requires specific timings, so it wasn’t as simple as just using a UART.)
I’ve since submitted PR #7117 to the ESPHome project to contribute this back, but despite passing all tests I’m still waiting for it to be accepted. (I looked into creating a custom component that could be included from another GitHub repo, but since this was best implemented by modifying an existing component, that didn’t make sense to me.) Until this gets accepted, I’ll just have to build esphome locally or if others want to do it, patching things based on the files in the PR.
Getting it all wired up was pretty simple with the only thing needed was getting electrical levels right, as the ESP32 microcontrollers use 3.3V logic and RI uses 5V. Thankfully a simple level shifter based around a FET can handle this. I first prototyped it with a SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus and an Adafruit BSS138 on a breadboard and this worked great.
I really don’t like the idea of having a fragile and ugly breadboard sitting in the living room so I made plans to replace it with something smaller. After ordering parts and letting them sit for a few weeks, I finally got around to it one rainy Sunday afternoon.
This smaller, final implementation uses a Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3, a cheap level shifter board from Amazon (electrically identical to the Adafruit BSS138), and a 3.5mm TS cable. This was all wired up then bundled, along with the ESP32’s external 2.4 GHz antenna, into the a single blob inside of some heatshrink tubing making for a simple, streamlined final package. This works great, and now I have a single thumb-sized module with a USB-C connector (for power input and reprogramming) on one end and a 3.5mm plug on the other for the receiver. And it shows up wonderfully in HA and works as a remote control.
While the initial prototyping went great, I did run into two problems worth mentioning:
First, the one of the super-cheap level shifters I got from Amazon seemed to be bad. After hooking it up levels seemed all wrong, and I was seeing 3.3V at the ESP32 end and a solid 5V at the plug. Turned out to be a bad level shifter (or perhaps bad PCB) but by moving to the second shifter on the same board things were fine.
Second, when attempting to do an OTA update after the Onkyo RI firmware on the ESP32 S3 is running, it fails, indicating that Component esphome.ota took a long time for an operation (7339 ms)..
If I flash it back via USB with a default ESPHome config (via ESPHome web), it then OTA updates fine. This only happens on the ESP32 S3 and didn’t happen on the ESP32 WROOM, and seems related to how long the OTA takes on this module or maybe something caused by wireless transmission speeds? I didn’t try a serial upload nor troubleshoot any further as I both have a good workaround and see no need to reprogram the device any time soon.
The ESPHome configuration used for the final version can be found here: onkyo-a-9050_seeed_xiao_esp32c3.yaml. This uses a handful of commands that I tested to work on the A-9050. For other Onyko RI receivers there may be different commands needed; I suggest consulting the protocol docs mentioned above to discover others. I made a point of adding rational icons to each so that once added to Home Assistant things look good.
Using these is then nice and straightforward in HA, such as a basic button here on my dashboard which sends the Toggle On/Off (power) command:
I’m not sure where I’ll go next with this. Toggling power on the receiver from a dashboard is neat, but not that important. Ideally I’d like to have a single automation that will change a couple of lights, turn on the receiver, and result in the Apple TV and television itself being turned on, but there’s still pieces missing to allow this.
It seems an Apple TV can’t be woken over the network when sleeping, the TV is not network accessible, and the receiver does not transmit status. So, I can’t do this with my current setup. I believe that it may be possible to build an ESPHome HDMI CEC device and connect it to another input on the TV to wake things up using something like Palakis/esphome-native-hdmi-cec, but that’ll be another project… At least now I’ve got a spare breadboarded ESP32 to start down that path. Time to order some HDMI breakout connectors, I guess.
Quite a few years ago I came across Lighten Up!, which was a dawn-simulating alarm clock module that got connected between an incandescent lamp and used gently increasing light instead of noise. Coupled with a halogen bulb (that’d start out very yellow at lowest brightness) I had a wonderful sunrise-like alarm clock and it was much, much nicer than a beeping alarm.
The LCD displays in the Lighten Up! units began failing so I couldn’t change the programming, which was a hassle as the clocks in them drifted by a couple minutes per month. With a combination of COVID-19 remote work eliminating the need for an alarm clock and the devices dying, in the trash they went. (They also didn’t work right with LED bulbs, and now the person making them has closed down the business.)
I’ve been trying to use an alarm to stay on a more regular sleep schedule and while a bunch of other wake-up lights are available, they are dedicated units that are basically alarm clocks with built in lights. I really liked the elegance of the Lighten Up! and how it’d use an existing lamp, and outside of dedicated smart bulbs + an app I couldn’t find anything else like it. For a while I thought about developing my own hardware version that’d also work with LED bulbs, but never got around to it.
This winter I’ve been experimenting with Home Assistant (HA), and it turns out that with a couple cheap Zigbee parts (bulb and pushbutton from IKEA) it allows for a wonderful replacement/upgrade sunrise alarm idea. A next-generation Lighten Up!, if you will.
With everything put together the lamp next to my bed will now slowly come up to brightness 15 minutes before the wake-up alarm on my phone, reaching final as the normal alarm triggers. If I change the alarm time on my phone, or shut it off, the light-up alarm in HA will follow suit. Additionally, a physical button on the nightstand turns off the light off while replicating a sunrise alarm, or otherwise toggles the light on and off.
Even better, if I’m not home or if the alarm is set for other than between 3:00 AM and 9:00 AM (times during which I’d likely be in bed and wanting to wake up) the light won’t activate. This allows me to use alarms during the normal day for other things without activating with the light, or while traveling without waking Kristen.
Between this and the gently-increasing volume (and vibration) alarm built into the Android clock which triggers at the end of the sunrise cycle it’s a very nice, gradual wake-up system. And, all of this happens without any cloud services or ongoing subscriptions. My HA instance is local; the phone app communicates directly with it across either my home or the public networks. Communication between the physical controls and lights is a local, private network.
In this post I’ll document the major building blocks of how I did this so that someone else with basic Home Assistant experience (and a functioning HA setup, which is beyond the scope of this writeup) can do the same.
For reference, my Home Assistant hardware setup for this piece is:
With the Home Assistant Companion App for Android running on an Android phone, Home Assistant can get the date and time of the next alarm. After installing the app, go into Settings → Companion app → Manage sensors and enable the Next alarm sensor. My phone is named Pixel 8, so the alarm is now available as entity sensor.pixel_8_next_alarm. Note that this is not available if an iPhone (or other iOS device) is used. (ref: Next Alarm Sensor)
Part of setting up HA configures a Zone (location) called Home. This, combined with the default location information collected by the companion app, allows HA to know if my phone is at Home (or elsewhere), via the the state of entity device_tracker.pixel_8 (eg: home).
Note: While I give YAML of the automations for configuration reference, most of these automations were built using the GUI and involve the (automatically generated) entity and device IDs. If you are setting this up you’ll want to use the GUI and build these out yourself using the code for reference.
To make this all work, three community components are used and must be installed:
Ashley’s Light Fader 2.0: This script takes a light and, over a configured amount of time, fades from the light’s current setting to the defined setting (both brightness and color temperature) using natural feeling curves (easing). It will also cancel the fade if some conditions are met. I use this to have the light fade, over 15 minutes, using a sine function, to 70% brightness and 4000K temperature, and cancel the fade if the light is turned off or brightness changes significantly, the latter of which allows the button next to the bed to cancel the alarm.
To make this happen I turn on the bulb at 1% brightness and 2202K (it’s warmest temperature), then use the script to fade to 70% and 4000K over the course of 15 minutes. This does a decent job of replicating a sunrise or the results of the Lighten Up! with a halogen bulb.
This is configured as an automation I call Bedroom Steve Nightstand: Lighten Up! (Sunrise). Note that it has no trigger because it’ll be called from the next automation:
Adjustable Wake-up to Android alarm v2: This blueprint for an Automation takes the time from the next alarm sensor (alarm_source) to trigger an action before the alarm happens. I use this to initiate Ashley’s Light Fader 2.0 at 15 minutes before my alarm, only when my phone is at Home, and and the alarm is between 3:00 AM and 9:00 AM.
Part of configuring this is setting up a Helper or basically a system-wide variable, called Pixel 8 Next Alarm (entity id: input_datetime.pixel_8_next_alarm, type: Date and/or time).
This is configured as an automation called Bedroom Steve Nightstand: Lighten Up at 15 Before Alarm, set to only run if my phone is at Home and it’s between 3:00 AM and 9:00 AM:
I don’t want to get out a phone and dig into an app to manage the light, so next to the bed I have a TRÅDFRI Shortcut Button for controlling the light. If the button is pressed while the light is simulating sunrise, it turns off. If the light is off it turns it on, or visa versa.
Because turning the light off mid-dimming leaves it set at the current color and brightness, I use this instead of the normal Toggle action. In here I check the state of the bulb and either turn it off (if on), or turn it on to 100% brightness and 4000K if it is off:
alias: "Bedroom Steve Nightstand: Light Toggle"
description: >-
Doesn't use the normal toggle because it needs to set the light color and
brightness just in case it was left at something else when turned off
- device_id: 12994a6c215ae1d4cfb86e261a2b2f3b
domain: zha
platform: device
type: remote_button_short_press
subtype: turn_on
condition: []
- if:
- condition: device
type: is_on
device_id: e3421c7d54269752a371fe8443daf95f
entity_id: 78599118c4ab8043cf03ce6532546b94
domain: light
- service: light.turn_off
metadata: {}
transition: 0
entity_id: light.bedroom_test_bulb_light
- stop: ""
alias: On to Off
- if:
- condition: device
type: is_off
device_id: e3421c7d54269752a371fe8443daf95f
entity_id: 78599118c4ab8043cf03ce6532546b94
domain: light
- service: light.turn_on
metadata: {}
color_temp: 153
transition: 0
brightness_pct: 100
entity_id: light.bedroom_test_bulb_light
- stop: ""
alias: "Off to On: Full Brightness and 4000K"
mode: single
Finally, I also have this all displaying, and controllable, via a card stack in a dashboard. For the next alarm info I started with the template in this post but modified it to simplify one section by using now(), fix a bug in it that occurs with newer versions of HA, and then build it into something that better illustrates the start and end of the simulated sunrise. Because normal entity cards can’t do templating (to dynamically show data) I used TheHolyRoger/lovelace-template-entity-row and some Jinja templating to make it look nice.
This gives me a row which shows the next alarm time (or “No alarm” if none set), nicely formatted, and has a toggle that can enable/disable the Bedroom Steve Nightstand: Lighten Up at 15 Before Alarm automation. Finally, I added a row of buttons to allow easy toggling between 1% / 454 mireds, 33% / 357 mireds, 66% / 294 mireds, and 100% / 250 mireds so I can manually set the light to some nice presets across dawn to full brightness.
The result of all of this is that, if my phone is at home and I have an alarm set between 3:00 AM and 9:00 AM, the light next to the bed will simulate a 15-minute sunrise before the alarm goes off. If the light is simulating a sunrise, pressing the button will turn it off. Otherwise, the button toggles the light on and off at full brightness, for normal lamp-type use. Finally, via the Home Assistant UI I can easily check the status of, or turn off, the sunset alarm if I don’t want to use it.
So far, this is working great. There’s two things I’m looking into changing:
First, the bulb I’m using, 405.187.36, is an 1100 lumen maximum brightness. This is a bit too bright for the final stage of the alarm, and it’s minimum brightness is a bit higher than I’d like and seems a little abrupt. (Ideally the initial turn-on won’t be noticable.)
Since IKEA bulbs are cheap and generally work well, I’ll likely try a few other lower brightness ones and see how they work out. Both 605.187.35 (globe) and 905.187.34 (chandelier) are color temperature adjustable, 450 lumen maximum, cost $8.99, and look like good candidates as I expect their minimum brightness to be lower.
There is also 104.392.55 ($12.99), but it is fixed at 2200K and has a maximum brightness of 250 lumens. I suspect this will be nicely dim for the start, but wouldn’t allow a color transition and might not have enough final brightness to make me feel ready for the day.
I may also try something like 204.391.94 ($17.99), which is adjustable color, as this could allow me to use something like the sunrise color pallete, but this would require moving to a different script for fading. The current script doesn’t support fading between colors (see here for discussion around this), so this would take a lot of work on my part. Probably more than would be beneficial, since varying color temp on white-range bulbs is pretty darn good already.
Second, the TRÅDFRI Shortcut Button (203.563.82) that I’m using has been discontinued. It’s a nice, simple button, and I can trigger on it using short or long press. It’s replacement, SOMRIG Shortcut Button (305.603.54), isn’t in stock at my local IKEA so I don’t have one, but I expect it to be two buttons that can each have short or long presses, and perhaps even double-click on each. If so, I may add something more like dimming the nightstand light to use as a reading light, or perhaps something to leave on for the dogs when we’re gone.
Thinking a bit bigger picture I could even do things like use an in-wall dimmer to have the adjacent closet lights serve as wake-up lights. But as all the quality ones of these are Z-Wave I’d have to get another radio for the Pi and… and…
The possibilities for this stuff are nearly endless, which is neat, because it becomes an engineering problem of what to do that provides sufficient benefit without complexity for complexity’s sake. This, at least, a Home Assistant-based replacement for the old, beloved Lighten Up!, is great.
Note: This post has been updated a few times since original posting to fix grammar, a bug in the Jinga2 template for displaying the next alarm, and to add buttons for setting lamp brightness.
Wahoo smart trainers support network connectivity (instead of just the traditional Bluetooth or ANT+). Since I don’t have one I’d never bothered looking into how it works, but this morning while troubleshooting something with TrainerRoad running in the background I happened to see an mDNS query for _wahoo-fitness-tnp._tcp.local and realized this is how the smart trainers get discovered on the network.
Maybe one day I’ll have a smart trainer that can use the network and I can dig further into how this all works.
I’ve been experimenting with Home Assistant (HA) for some temperature monitoring around the house. It has a great mobile client that’ll work across the public internet, but HA itself unfortunately it only does HTTP by default. It has some minor built in support for HTTPS by using the NGINX proxy and Let’s Encrypt (LE)Add-ons, but for a couple of reasons[1] I didn’t like this solution. I’m not about to expose something with credentials across the public internet via plain HTTP, so I wanted to do this proxying on my firewall instead of on the device itself.
My firewall at home runs OPNsense which has an NGINX Plugin, along with a full featured ACME client that I’m already using for other certificates, so it was perfect for doing this forwarding. After a bit of frustration, fooling around, and unexpected errors I got things working, so I wanted to share a simple summary of what it took to make it work. I’m leaving the DNS, certificate, and firewall sides of this out, as they’ll vary and are well documented elsewhere.
Here’s the steps I used:
Set up DNS so the hostname you wish to use is accessible internally and externally. In this example will resolve to on the public internet, and at home, which are the WAN and LAN interfaces on the OPNsense box.
Set up the ACME plugin to get a certificate for the hostname you will be using for, in this case
On your Home Assistant instance, add the following to the configuration.yaml. This tells HA to accept proxied connections from the gateway. If you don’t do this, or specify the wrong trusted_proxy, you will receive a 400: Bad Request error when trying to access the site via the proxy:
In Configuration → Upstream → Upstream Server define your HA instance as a server:
Description: HA Server
Server: (your Home Assistant device)
Port: 8123 (the port you have Home Assistant running on, 8123 is the default)
Server Priority: 1
In Configuration → Upstream → Upstream define a grouping of upstream servers, in this case the one you defined in the previous step:
Description: Home Assistant
Server Entries: HA Server
In Configuration → HTTP(S) → Location define what will get redirected to the Upstream:
Toggle Advanced Mode
Description: Home Assistant
URL Pattern: /
Upstream Servers: Home Assistant
Advanced Proxy Options → WebSocket Support: ✓
In Configuration → HTTP(S) → HTTP Server define the actual server to listen for HTTP connections:
HTTP Listen Address: Clear this out unless you want to proxy HTTP for some reason.
HTTPS Listen Address: 8123 and [::]:8123. Leave out the latter if you don’t wish to respond on IPv6.
Default Server: ✓
Server Name:
Locations: Home Assistant
TLS Certificate: Pick the certificate that you created early on with the ACME plugin.
HTTPS Only: ✓ (Unless for some reason you wish to support cleartext HTTP.)
Then under General Settings check Enable nginx and click Apply.
Finally, if needed, be sure to create the firewall rule(s) needed to allow traffic to connect to the TCP port you designated in the HTTP Server portion of the NGINX configuration.
[1] Reasons for doing the proxying on the firewall include:
The Let’s Encrypt Add-on won’t restart NGINX automatically on cert renewal as OPNsense can. This means I’d have to either write something to do it, or manually restart the add-on to avoid periodic certificate errors.
If NGINX is running on the same device as Home Assistant, then it needs to be on a different port. I prefer using the default port.
I’d prefer to run just one copy of NGINX on my network for reverse proxying.
While experimenting with NGINX and LE on HA I kept running into weird problems where something would start logging errors or just not work until I restarted the box. With everything running as containers, troubleshooting intermittent issues like these is painful enough that I preferred to avoid it.
Because it supports monitor mode, a Macbook with the built-in WiFi adapter is one of the simplest ways to grab packets off the air. It’s not the most robust, but often all I need to do is grab data from a couple devices I’m near on a known channel, so fancy antennas and channel hopping and whatnot is overkill; I just need to grab packets. Using the Sniffer built into the Wireless Diagnostics captures in Monitor Mode has been fairly easy for a while, but I was stuck using the GUI.
For a while macOS has had a command line utility called airport to handle all sorts of wireless network manipulation, log gathering, and debugging. It also has a poorly documented command verb sniff, but until the release of macOS Sonoma (14.0) it was only possible to specifying the channel. Not being able to specify the width made it useless for most capturing I’d do in the real world.
Thankfully the airport command now works for channel and width, so now it’s possible to use remotely, in scripts, etc. It’s not well documented, but it works. For example, the following will capture on en0 on 5GHz channel 137 with 80MHz width:
airport en0 sniff 5g137/80
This will capture en1 on 2.4GHz channel 7 at 20MHz width:
airport en0 sniff 2g7/20
Output files end up randomly named in /tmp in pcap format with a name of /tmp/airportSniff??????.cap. They can be opened in Wireshark or your analysis tool of choice.
(I suspect that sniffing from 6GHz WiFi will follow the same pattern, but I don’t have access to a device with such a radio so I’m unable to test. It’d also be pretty nifty to see this somehow built in / better automated via Wireshark… That could be a neat project for later.)
The airport binary can be found at /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport. I link this to ~/bin, with something like the following:
I recently was troubleshooting a problem with network authentication and suspected that the issue was around certificates and private keys not matching on a client. I had a .PEM file for the certificate and a .KEY for the private key, and I wanted to see if they matched.
Thankfully OpenSSL, the Swiss Army Knife of wrangling certs, made it easy. While this isn’t anything particularly secret, it took me a few to figure it out, so I’m re-documenting it here.
To see if the private key matches the certificate, use the following two commands and compare the Modulus section:
openssl x509 -in file.pem -noout -text
openssl rsa -in file.key -noout -text
If they match, the private key matches the certificate. If they don’t, they don’t.
In my case they didn’t match, which was causing the authentication problems. So we then solved what was happening during cert issuance and everything was then good.