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Category: around the house

Bananaphone Not Answered

Meijer at Hayes and Hall Road (M-59) seems to be out of bananas. This disappoints me greatly.

Tonight when I went to Meijer I found that they are, for all intents and purposes, lacking bananas. I do not appreciate this. Instead I bought grapes, butter, and beer. Note that none of these three have conjoining intended uses.

Also, this is a photo of what happens when my neighbor buys a concrete downspout splash guard thingie, doesn’t remove it when it begins to degrade, and a big storm comes through.

On a wholly unrelated note, I am listening to Stabbing Westward‘s Wither Blister Burn & Peel and I’m amazed at how bad this album really is. I hadn’t listened to it since (at least) 2003 when I ripped all my CDs into iTunes, and likely not since 1999 or 2000. Back in the mid/late 90s I listened to this regularly. Now I wonder what I was thinking.

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Finally a Clean Basement

After not picking up following far too many projects I finally took the time to give my basement a good straightening up / cleaning.

After working on all too many projects without taking the time to properly clean up my basement, tonight I did so. As can be seen in this photo taken by Marty while we were doing the MMBA website work and waiting for the forum data to migrate, I had a rather large pile of stuff to go through.

None of it was trash, just a lot of it was redundant, spare things which I had to go through, wrap up and sort, and generally find a place for or put back where they had been. I’ve also recently (Sunday) put a new shelving unit in the basement against the far wall (that one on the right), so my bike stuff can be stored down there instead of in the garage. While I don’t mind keeping parts in the garage in the summer, I don’t think it’s the best idea for longer term storage.

I’m just glad this is all straightened up. I feel much, much more comfortable working in a reasonably organized environment where I have room to do things. Now, if I could only get the terribly strong Pro Formula 409 smell off my hands.

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Lagunitas Brewing Company’s Brown Shugga

Lagunitas Brewing Co's Brown Shugga Ale, poured into an MMBA pint glass. This is nicely hoppy, and has a very obvious brown sugar taste. It's great.

Tonight I’m having a bottle of Lagunitas Brewing Company‘s Brown Shugga Ale. It’s a really brown sugar-tasting, moderately hopped brown ale. It’s also 9.5%.

This is definitely a nice beer at the end of a nice, but productive, day. Danielle made an absolutely wonderful dinner of bean, cheese, and onion enchiladas, complete with freshly made refried beans. She also made the kitchen nicely clean, as I spent lots of time doing laundry almost to completion and beginning to straighten up the basement.

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ProLink + Thermal Paper

Thermal paper receipts darken in the presence of vapors from ProLink chain lube.

These receipts printed on thermal paper darkened when they were exposed to vapors from ProLink Chain Lube. The receipts are from a few days ago, and after lubricating my chain yesterday I tossed the paper towels wetted with ProLink into the same trash can which held these receipts. Today when taking out the trash I noticed that these receipts had darkened markedly, in interesting patterns. It surprises me that no region containing text was darkened.

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Hot, Steamy Shower

Water vapor flowing out of the bathroom while Danielle takes a very hot shower.

This is why bathrooms generally have exhaust fans.

(Taken while Danielle was having a very hot shower in the bathroom just off of my bedroom. This is also a good way to make the house more humid, should it be needed.)

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Kirkland (Costco) Toilet Paper Repackaging

Kirkland (Costco) Bath Tissue (toilet paper / bog roll) now come individually wrapped in plastic. This bothers me.

In today’s episode of tilting at windmills I’m going to complain about Costco‘s changes to their Kirkland-branded bath tissue / toilet paper / bog roll. I’ve been buying this toilet paper ever since first getting a Costco membership in 2001. It is a nice, basic, soft two-ply which is reasonably priced and which feels nice on my behind.

Unfortunately, when I went to purchase a new pack a few weeks ago (it comes in such quantities that I only have to buy some a couple times a year), I found that each individual roll is now wrapped in plastic. Additionally, the texture of the paper itself seems to have changed. The surface area of each roll is still listed as the same (53.1 sq ft / 49.2 m²), but the new roll seems to have a different texture and feel softer. A non-representative sampling of one roll each (the two above, unwrapped) showed that the new roll has a mass of 171g compared to the old roll’s 161g.

The texture of the paper is not a concern as it’s still sufficiently (and comfortably) capable of removing filth from my nether regions and capturing my nose blowings, but I really don’t like the move towards plastic packaging. While the large pack of rolls has been wrapped in plastic for as long as I’ve been purchasing it, the previous paper wrapping seemed considerably more environmentally conscious.

Personally, I would like it if both the outer and per-roll wrapper were made from non-plasticized paper, with the inner core (the tube) degradable and thus flushable. Or, maybe the core could simply be removed. It would be nice if the outer wrappings were also degradable, but simply making them from a compostable material is would be sufficient.

I have seen, and used, tubeless toilet paper dispensers in public restrooms, but they use a dual-peg system to holding the paper instead of a through-axel like design. In these the paper is wound from the center all the way out, with a very tight winding in the center which is indented on the sides for the pegs. This would make these new rolls incompatible with the defacto world wide standard holder.


Busy, Busy, Busy…

A very small owl sitting on a branch outside of the window at Rochester Mills Brewery.

I’ve been really, really busy lately. This isn’t a bad thing, I just haven’t had enough time to get everything done that I’d hoped to. Lately I’ve had the MMBA website move, really bad weather on Saturday, shopping (REI, IKEA, Target, Meijer, etc) on Sunday, work then the MMBA Metro North quarterly meeting today, and now I’m making tapioca pudding.

I still have to find time (hopefully tomorrow) to fix a friend’s NAS, finish up the x0xb0x, and whatever else comes up. For now, though, have some moblog photos:

· A very small owl sitting on a branch outside of the window at Rochester Mills Brewery.
· Bags and carts at Ikea on Ford Road.
· Partially eaten veggie burger from J. Alexanders in Somerset.
· The urinal at J. Alexanders is a nice, old style model.
· After buying gas I bought this very large apple fritter.
· I do wonder why this person doesn’t just disable their touchpad.
· Partially eaten rosemary bread with jalapeno havarti melted on the top.
· Waiting for biyrani at Rangoli Express #1.

Also, this evening’s fortune (6):

Last login: Mon Jan 12 19:55:22 2009 from adsl-75-45-241-
Copyright (c) 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994
        The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

FreeBSD 7.0-RELEASE (BANSTYLE) #4: Tue Dec  9 00:07:44 EST 2008
Snow Day -- stay home.

Funny that, considering the current forecast. A snow day would be rather nice, actually.

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Wide Open West Physical Installation

New junction box installed on the outside of my condo when Wide Open West service was installed. I think the installer did a good job.

Last Monday I had Wide Open West CATV and internet service installed. The installer was a nice guy, did just what I wanted, and did a good job putting the new junction box on the outside of the house. As requested he left the Comcast line going into the house, replaced the old splitter, and let me take care of the data side of things (very basic to set up; no Comcastic walled garden crap), and had an MCard for the TiVo.

The only problem I had is that he wasn’t familiar with setting up TiVos and forgot to check for reception of HD channels. A phone call to WOW! service after he left got those turned on and everything was set.

Thus far I’ve been mostly happy with the data service. Tests at have shown that I can achieve the claimed 15Mbps downstream and 2Mbps upstream quite regularly. Everything has been much faster in real use as well, and uploads to my photo gallery are far, far faster now.

I intend to write up a more technical description of how I like the service, including how I intend to use the three IPs (DHCP assigned) that I’m allocated as part of the service, but that will have to come later. For now I’ve got some other projects to wrap up.

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