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An Energy Take 5 Speaker Fell Apart

Times like these are why I keep useful adhesive, such as Dow Corning 732, sitting around the house. It appears that this speaker, an Energy Take 5, fell apart after a few years of being hung with the drivers facing mostly downward two and a half years ago. The speaker is now sitting on my workbench clamped together while the RTV sets. Hopefully I’ll be able to re-hang it tomorrow.


  1. philip
    philip August 9, 2011

    same thing has just happened to one of mine…I will also check on the other that hangs in that fashion

  2. c0nsumer
    c0nsumer August 9, 2011

    philip: For what it’s worth, I can tell you that the RTV silicone that I used to hold it together has held for the last 1.5 years. I’d try that as a fix.

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