Having to run to the bank and wanting to go for a bike ride, I left my house with the intention of poking around the unmarked single track in River Bends for a while, then likely heading home. Instead I ended up visiting the following places:
· 5/3 Bank at 23 Mile and Schoenherr
· New (to me) single track in River Bends park.
· A car show in Downtown Utica, where I ended up talking with someone who described to me the town’s plans for a non-motorized path through the area. (Note that this is one of the few missing links in a complete regional trail system.)
· Erma’s for mint chocolate chip frozen custard.
· Through Clinton River Park and the (very muddy) single track to Dodge Park and around Sterlingfest.
· Down 16 Mile / Metro Parkway to Metro Beach and back.
· Along Schoenherr and Hayes to Sherwood Brewing Company where I had two pints (Green Rover IPA and Mistress Jades Hemp Ale) and a small pizza. Danielle met me there and we split a very large order of cheese bread.
· Finally, back home.
Total was 55.73 miles, which is definitely a nice jaunt for a Saturday afternoon. There’s also something which feels very civilized about being able to bike to a pub for a pint, or more specifically in this case, stop off at the pub on the way back from a ride for a couple pints and some good food.
Hmm. It seems that I’ve made it back just before some rain is due to hit. I guess it’s time for a shower and a shave, and time to throw the bike clothes in the wash. All of today’s sweat has made them quite stiff.