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Day: December 20, 2008

FT232BM in x0xb0x #888

Detail of the FT232BM USB to Serial adapter which is IC25 in the newer x0xb0x designs. It is used for updating firmware and remotely editing saved programs.

Either I’ve become a bit better at soldering, or things like the FT232BM in the x0xb0x are easier than I recall. I’ve finished the IO board so it’s time to wash and test it, then move on to the main PCB.

Here’s an amusing (to me) photo of solder dust from below the brass pad in the iron stand. Note the black cable tie at the top for scale.

Oh, also, this assembly is once again reminding me of my very dislike for cornrowed (upended) resistors. They take 3x as long to fit as normal, flat ones. Also, when there are 50 of one value of resistor right next to each other, maybe resistor networks would be a good idea?

UPDATE: Here’s the same chip, with most of the flux removed. There is still a very small residual amount of non-water-soluble flux left, which was removed after this picture was taken.

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Sunny Snow in the Microwave

The day after a foot of snow fell everything was nice and sunny. This photo taken via a reflection in the front of the microwave in the kitchen.

The morning after the giant storm which dropped almost a foot of snow here it’s nice and bright and sunny. Hopefully the roads are becoming clear and it’ll stay cold enough that this turns into a nice blanket of winter sitting over everything for the rest of the holidays.

Of course, then right after that it’ll turn into typically Michigan piles of gray and brown dirty snow piled at the sides of parking lots, mixed with shopping carts, Burger King bags, and broken pieces of parking blocks.

(This photo was taken in the reflection from the microwave in the kitchen.)

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