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Day: October 15, 2008

Coffee Grinder: “Fixed”

My coffee grinder, after cleaning a relatively minor clog, in the midst of figuring out how many servings I can make from one two pound bag of coffee.

It seems that my efforts to establish cost savings performance metrics for making coffee at home distracted me from coffee grinder maintenance responsibilities. My aforementioned coffee grinder problems were because of some manner of clog.

Good thing this never happens in real life.

(It seems that during a single day of disuse the grinder stopped working, and the only “fix” needed was to empty and clean it. Also, can you tell how I occasionally have to write?)

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Coffee Grinder: Fail

Toilet paper (for my nose) and coffee (for my soul) on a desk at work.

Almost every morning before work I grind some coffee then prepare it in an AeroPress. Not this morning. Today when I went to press START or GRIND or whatever the button is labeled nothing happened. Because it appears to be somewhat microprocessor controlled I don’t think the problem is mechanical, which means that hopefully I’ll be able to easily fix it.

Unfortunately, this was also half-way through a study I was doing on exactly how many cups of coffee I can get out of two pounds of coffee, how many grinds it takes, how many filters are used, etc. Although maybe this will just prompt me to restart and this time take into account amount of electricity consumed, cost of the grinder, etc. I’m wanting to know just how much money I’m saving (or perhaps not) and how much less waste I’m generating by making coffee at home every day, using what I perceive to be an easy process.

Since I uploaded a few more photos today to my moblog, I’ll point them all out:

· This praying mantis was found next to a gas pump. It was alive, but its abdomen was full of ants which were eating it.
· My coworker Brian gave me some Airborne to try and help make me feel better. It doesn’t taste horrible.
· Some of the urinals at work have these new scented mats in them. The result is that hot urine makes a very strong fragrence waft up while going. It’s unplesant.
· One of my coworkers gave me this cupcake. It’s very, very good.

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