NiteRider MiNewt Mini-USB Plus

Everything found in the NiteRider MiNewt Mini-USB Plus box. Note that there is no instruction sheet, and one is directed to download it from

A while back I had the chance to acquire a NiteRider MiNewt Mini-USB Plus bike / helmet light for a very good price. It took a while to arrive, but I received it just before Thanksgiving and decided to take a few photos of the unboxing of it. At 110 lumens it’s not a particularly powerful light, but it should be nice to throw on the handlebars to provide some contrast with my head light. I also hope to use it on both Danielle’s bike and, if I get it, a Surly Cross Check. It should be just great alone for paved area / path riding.

I hope to do a light comparison later with it, the TriNewt, and a few other lights, but for now please feel free to browse the MiNewt Mini-USB Plus album.

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