Bad BA6110 in x0xb0x #888

BA6110 (IC15B) in x0xb0x #888, wetted with alcohol for readability. I believe that the buffer in it is causing the x0xb0x not to work properly.

I’d previously posted about how x0xb0x #888 was generating no audio after powerup, and with Roxie now gone I had time to start digging into what was wrong.

I’d already known that the power supply, digital half (sequencer), DAC, and VCO were working fine, so I set to work tracing things back through the schematic from the headphone out. Eventually I found that I was able to see a waveform on the first half of the BA6110, after the op-amp (pins 6 and 7) but before the buffer. I didn’t see anything after the buffer (pin 8).

So, I think I have a bad BA6110, which is one of the rare / hard to find parts in the x0xb0x. This is just what I was afraid of.

Being typically paranoid of my own work I double-checked soldering, checked for shorts, and all the other normal things like that, but I really think the problem is with the buffer.

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