Peoria, IL

I just drove through downtown Peoria, IL in about five minutes doing the speed limit (55 MPH). I’d also forgotten just how flat some parts of the US can be, and we’re not even west of the Mississippi.

There was a tremendous storm encountered as we were somewhere in Michigan west of Ann Arbor which threw such blinding wind and rain at the car that I had to follow a semi’s tail lights in order to have any sense of direction. Thankfully it passed in about 20 minutes and the rest of the drive was relatively uneventful.

Dinner was eaten at Cracker Barrel where I had some cod, mashed potatoes, fried okra, cornbread, and some of Danielle’s food which she didn’t eat. Food there really isn’t that bad. It’s a bit salty and portions are huge, but it’s better than just eating fast food.

When we arrived at the hotel our keycard was in a lockbox and the staff was just shutting down for the night. When I asked about internet access the person just wrote down the password on a piece of paper and told me that “it’s wireless so it can’t detect your room so you won’t be charged [the $4.99 per stay fee]”. A quick connect to the AP with an SSID of goesh (I don’t know either), web-based login as user Sam Iam of Iam, Inc., access test to, and everything else is just an ssh connection to either Troy, MI or Reading, UK.

Now, sleep.

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