Winding Down…

Whenever I start wrapping up a personal project, I start to feel a bit let down. It’s almost as if I enjoy doing the work more than any sense of accomplishment or completion which comes with finishing a project. While the SDrive NUXX project isn’t totally done, as long as I didn’t screw something up, the difficult / interesting work is pretty much done. I’m just waiting for parts to be delivered (all orders have been submitted), then I’ll have some packaging / kitting / assembly / shipping, and it’ll be complete.

At times like this I start to feel around for something to do next, but until I find that I end up feeling a bit lost and useless. It’s not like these little projects give me much purpose in life, but they do at least hold my attention, teach me something, and make things interesting.

I think that tonight I’ll clean up the basement a bit, ensuring that the workspace needed for the aforementioned kitting and assembly is available, and then setting up a workspace for IC programming. Maybe after that I’ll swap out the tires on my bike for something a bit more trail-friendly, as I think that the weather is probably going to break after this weekend. Still, I need to find another big project. Maybe a device which monitors power consumption of USB devices on a per-port basis, or some sort of nifty clock, or something…

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