Sucks requires you to install some special software for diabetic coupon printing, and it specifically does not work in VMs.

My grandma needed some coupons printed which are related to an arthritis drug called Zostrix (note the rel="nofollow") but was having some problems doing so. My mom also had such problems, so I decided to give it a go using my shiny new printer.

It turns out that the coupons for this drug are printed via, but when I went to use their service I was informed that it didn’t support my browser (FF3 on a Mac). Switching over to a VM running IE7 under XP I found that the site requires one to install some sort of silly coupon printing software in order to do the printing. Since I was using a VM I took a snapshot then attempted to install the software, at which point I received the above error.

The damned software refuses to install in a VM.

At this point I’m just not going to print the coupons… I don’t want to cruft up my normal or work machines (the only interactive non-VMs I have) with such crap, so there’s not much more I can do. Digging around a bit more on it, I found this writeup called A Closer Look at which details quite a number of questionable things done by this software.

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