From: "Tom Krotchko" <>
Subject: Honda Music Link
Date: Wed, January 18, 2006 3:29 pm

I just read your review and I guess I have to agree.  I installed it on an '06
Odyssey.  The interface is impossible to use.  That much is clear.  But I don't
understand why they couldn't show track names on the Nav display.
This is not really any better than buying the $20 dock connector to RCA cable
that is available everywhere.  If your car already has an AUX in, you're set.
Did you look into the Dension Icelink?  I've ordered that for my BMW, and it
looks very promising, including the fact that the iPod controls and display are
fully functional in use, so you pick your interface.
The only downside is he Dension seems to not co-exist with CD Changers since it
mimics a CD Changer itself... which is probably the only advantage to the Honda
Music Link... it looks like a 2nd CD Changer (mine shows up as Changer 4).  
What you've got to ask yourself...who looked this over at Honda and said "yeah,
this is our best effort.  I love it".
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